The distribution pattern dynamics of Populus euphratica are influenced by hydrology in the middle reaches of Tarim River Assessment of water environment functions in urban wetlands by using the hydrogeomorphic model: A case study of Nanjing Xianlin Phenotypic variation in Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa along a natural drought gradient Watershed ecology in a dilemma: inspiration from riverine landscape analysis Responses of a diatom community to human activities and climate changes in Xingyun Lake Soil stoichiometry characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron with different plantation age in the desert-oasis ecotone, north China Characteristic of soil macropores under various types of forest coverage and their influence on saturated hydraulic conductivity in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area The population growth dynamic of Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. on Qinling-Bashan Mountain Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promotes Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla seedling growth under drought stress conditions Analysis on spatial and temporal pattern and the driving forces of ecological- economic efficiency for provinces on Chinese mainland Simulation study on the effects of sand binding shrub on the deep soil water in a recovered area on the southeast fringe of Tengger Desert, North China Evaluation of bacterial diversity under different herb vegetation types in the hydro-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China Photosynthetic and water consumption of tree species utilized for afforestation of rocky desert in Guangdong Province Effects of mycorrhizal fungi on the drought tolerance of Cyclobalanopsis glauca seedlings Growth response of two annual herb species to alternating drying-wetting and nitrogen addition in the karst area of Southwest China Characteristics of microbial community structure in rhizosphere soil of Haloxylon ammodendron Spatial heterogeneity of natural Haloxylon ammodendron Populations at Ta-Mu-Su, Badain Jaran Desert, China The effects of habitat type and nitrogen deposition on the invasion of Hydrocotyle vulgaris in wetland plant communities Effects of drought stress on seedling growth and accumulation of secondary metabolites in the roots of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Effects of different nitrogen forms on foliar photosynthetic characteristics of Castanopsis hystrix seedlings under ungirdled and girdled conditions Effects of raindrop kinetic energy on splash erosion in the typical black soil region of Northeast China Landscape pattern change and the driving forces in Baiyangdian wetland from 1984 to 2014 Multi-scale analysis of ecosystem service trade-offs in urbanizing drylands of China: A case study in the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin region Assessment of the endangered status and conservation priorities for plants in the alpine tundra of Changbai Mountain Elevational changes in species diversity and similarity analysis of a Rhododendron chrysanthum community on Changbai Mountain Analyses of community stability and inter-specific associations between the rare plant Phyllitis scolopendrium and its associated species Demographic history of Alectoris chukar pubescens based on mitochondrial DNA control region Effect of AMF on the photosynthetic characteristics and growth of maize seedlings under the stress of drought, high calcium and their combination in Karst area Drought in southwestern China and its impact on the net primary productivity of vegetation from 2009-2011 The interplanting between tomato and maize of soil temperature dynamics under mulched drip irrigation The regulation effect of typical forest on rainfall-runoff in upper reaches of Lijiang River Hydraulic responses of whole tree transpiration of Schima superba to soil moisture in dry and wet seasons Temporal-spatial characteristics and its variation trend of meteorological drought in recent 50 years, South China Potential distributions of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum based on fuzzy matter element model Forest carbon pool characteristics and advances in the researches of carbon storage and related factors A simulation study on the hydrological impacts of varying forest cover in the stony mountain area and loess area of the upper reaches of Jinghe Basin Investigation of bud burst, shoot growth and leaf expansion in Populus euphratica of different ages Discussion on simultaneous measurements of leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence for estimating photosynthetic electron allocation Research on characteristics of extreme weather disasters and fluctuations trend on Lancang river basin Climate characteristics of precipitation and extreme drought events in Northwest China RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of an endangered species Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) Ying from Western Sichuan Province, China Optimizing hydrotropic response in the maize primary roots Plant pleiotropic drug resistance transporters: Transport mechanism, gene expression, and function The P450-type carotene hydroxylase PuCHY1 from Porphyra suggests the evolution of carotenoid metabolism in red algae Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on post-silking dry matter production and leaves function characteristics of low-nitrogen tolerance maize Rice CYP703A3, a cytochrome P450 hydroxylase, is essential for development of anther cuticle and pollen exine Hydrogen Sulfide Regulates Ethylene-induced Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Characteristics of nutrient dynamic in hydrological processes of first and second rotations of prematured Chinese fir plantations Impact of vegetation cover on surface runoff hydraulic characteristics with simulated rainfall Physiological responses of the rare and endangered Ardisia violacea (Myrsinaceae) seedlings to progressive drought stress Population genetic structure of the ground beetle Chlaenius pallipes from the Tsinling Mountains based on mitochondrial DNA analysis Photosynthetic responses of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings to shading caused by maize in an intercropping system Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Danjiangkou Reservoir area of Northwest Hubei Response of runoff to the climate and land use pattern changes in Shiyang River Basin The effect and mechanism of intercropping pattern on yield and economic benefit on the Loess Plateau Using hybrid giant napier to treat municipal sewage sludge and produce plant biomass Spatiotemporal change and driving forces of urban landscape pattern in Beijing Responses of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to gradient change of hydrothermal in plantations in Liaoning Province Aboveground litter contribution to soil respiration in a subalpine dragon spruce plantation of western Sichuan The effects of drought and UV-B radiation on the growth and the phenolic compounds of the Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge leaf The activities of soil enzyme under different vegetation types in Li River riparian ecotones Effects of earthworm on constituent and amount of amino acid in soil Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of Nitraria tangutorum in the artificially simulated precipitation Spatial recognition of ecological importance and analysis of terrain gradients characteristic of unused lands in Guyuan County The compensation growth and salt ion distribution in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) after salt stress reduction Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils Nutrient restrictive factors, nutrient absorption and accumulation of red kidney bean Effect of seed priming on drought and salinity tolerance of wheat: An overview Analysis of landscape pattern and affecting factors in Huailai County Risk assessment and zoning of drought for summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai Region Physiological activity and material production in processing tomato under continuous cropping Distribution characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in dry farmland soil aggregates under different tillage methods in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province Effect of drought on ear development and yield of maize Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton Effects of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics and growth of Coffea arabica L. at juvenile stage under drought stress Spatial distribution and temporal variation of maize root in the soil under field conditions Effects of returning wheat straw to farmland and irrigation pattern on grain setting traits and quality of super rice Regrowth responses to cutting of different cultivars of winter wheat Remote sensing inversion of soil moisture in Hebei Plain based on ATI and TVDI models Evaluation and regionalization of maize vulnerability to drought disaster in Western Jilin Province based on CERES-Maize model