A review of the species diversity of Selaginella in Fujian Province of China Studies on the Chinese species of Selaginellaceae (Ⅰ): Selaginella subgenus Tetragono-stachys Jermy Two new records of Selaginella from Malaysia Studies on the Spore Morphology of Selaginella sinensis and Its Ecological Significance Spore Morphology of Eight Species of Selaginellaceae from Yunnan Spore Morphology of Pteridophytes from China ⅩⅣ.Selaginellaceae Study on HPLC fingerprint characteristics of Selaginella plants A new biflavonoid from Selaginella uncinata Studies on chemical constituents of Selaginella stauntoniana (Ⅱ) Anatomical Study of the Stems of the 10 Selaginella Species and Its Taxonomic Significance Studies on chemical constituents of Selaginella stauntoniana (Ⅰ) A New Species of Selaginella Beauv. from Guizhou Flavonoids from Selaginella uncinata Studies on the Identification of Selaginella heterostachys by Microscopic Observation and Near Infrared Spectra Chemical constituents from Selaginella doederleinii and their bioactivities Chemical constituents of Selaginella sinensis Selaginella xishuiensis, a new species of Selaginellaceae from Guizhou, China Investigations and studies on medicinal plants from Selaginellaceae in Hubei Province Optimization of extracting technology for flavonoids in Selaginella tamariscina with orthogonal design Leaf morphology of 29 Chinese and one Thailand species of the Selaginellaceae and its taxonomic significance STUDOES ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT GAMETOPHYTES OF SELAGINELLACEAE Phylogenetic Analysis of the Plant-specific Zinc Finger-Homeobox and Mini Zinc Finger Gene Families A new flavonoid with an aryl moiety from Selaginella uncinata C0NTRIBUTI0NS TO THE GENUS SELAGINELLA BEAUV. FR0M SICHUAN

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