Effect of ultra high-pressure processing on microorganisms and ginsenosides of Panax ginseng Identification of the biocontrol bacterial strain FD6 and antimicrobial study of this bacterium against tomato grey mould pathogen Botrytis cinerea Existing problems in storage and research progress in preservationof Dendrobium officinale Mould and mycotoxin contamination of medicinal materials Change of Chinese Chrysanthemi Flos from different producing areas in storage Bamboo Mildew-rotting and Its Relation with Environmental Condition SOOTY MOULDS(FUNGI) FROM GUANGDONG PROVINCE Isolation, purification and bioassay of toxin proteins secreted by different physiological races of tomato leaf mould pathogen, Cladosporium fulvum STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF RICE NODAL ROOTS OVER THE GROUND ON LATE GROWTH OF RICE BY ~(32)P AND 14C Effects of Trichoderma harzianum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in
Tomato Leaves Infected with Fulvia fulva
Review of scientific preservation techniques for traditional Chinese medicine becoming mouldy during storage Experimental Equipment and Technology of Forming Micron Wood Fiber Mould Product Macro- and Micro-Structural Changes in Bamboo after Attack by Various Fungi The Theoretical Research on Calculation of Nail Holding Powerof Micron Wood Fiber Product by Mould Pressing Effects of Trichoderma harzianum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in
Tomato Leaves Infected with Fulvia fulva
STUDIES ON BIOLOGY OF BAMBOO TIMBER MOULDING I. MOULDING CHARACTERISTICS AND CAUSAL FUNGI OF MAO BAMBOO TIMBER Antibacterial Effect of Three kinds of Plant Essential Oil on the Mould Stady on the Control of Blue Stain Fungus and Moulds on Rubber Wood with New Wood Preservative TWP and Others Taxonomy of antagonistic strain B1 and control effect of tomato gray mould Studies on Biology of Bamboo Timber Moulding II.Resistance of Bamboo Substrates to Moulding Studies on Biology of Bamboo Timber Moulding Ⅲ. Roles of Environmental Factors in Moulding Pathomycete Studies on Snow Mould of Spruce The mechanism of biological control of strawberry gray mould using the marine bacterial NH-8 strain and analysis of the antifungal substances from the strain PRESERVATION TEST OF RUBBER WOOD WITH NEW WOOD PRESERVATIVE TWP Study on the Biological Characteristics of Stain Fungi and Mould\n Fungi on Bamboo Wood

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