A STUDY ON THE BIOMASS AND NUTRIENT CONTENTS OF THE NATURAL SECONDARY QUERCUS FABRI FOREST BIOLOGICAL CYCLING OF THE NUTRIENT ELEMENTS IN THE NATURAL SECONDARY QUERCUS FABRI FOREST Community structure and distribution pattern of a natural secondary forest in Beigou forest farm. Comparison of Water Quality between Stream from Natural Secondary Forests and Rainfall in Qianjiang Basin of Mid-subtropics of South China Interspecific association among the plants communities in the forest at Ziwuling Area in Shaanxi Province Population Structure of Natural Secondary Acer mono Forest Relationships between carbon source utilization of soil microbial communities and environmental factors in natural secondary forest in subtropical area, China The Storage of Biomass Carbon under Different Land Use in Liupan Mountain Forest Zone Influence of the Spatial Structure of tress,etc. on the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Influence of Community Structural Characteristics of Natural Secondary Forest on the Growth of the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis STUDIES ON THREE-DIMENSIONAL MANAGEMENT PATTERN OF NATURAL SECONDARY FOREST Interspecific associations between south subtropical forest plant community species in Daqingshan of Guangxi Effects of Different Forest Management Regimes on Plant Community Structure and Biodiversity of Natural Secondary Forests in Danqinghe Forestry Farm Establishment of Site Index Table for Quercus variabilis Natural Secondary Forest in North China The Stand Growth Dynamics Simulation of Natural Secondary Forest after Different Selective Cutting Intensity Plant Species Diversity of Natural Secondary Forest Community in Northwest Zhejiang Suitable Individual Growth Environment for the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Effects of Different Forest Management Regimes on Carbon Stock in Natural Secondary Forests at Danqinghe Forestry Farm Comparison of soil labile organic carbon in Chinese fir plantations and natural secondary forests in north subtropical areas of China Damage of the Frozen Rain and Snow to Natural Secondary Forests and Its Crown Debris in Northern Guangdong Province Space-Time Dynamics of Fine Root Biomass of Six Forests in Maoershan Forest Region SOIL RESPIRATION IN NATURAL MIXED (BETULA PLATYPHYLLA AND POPULUS DAVIDIANA) SECONDARY FOREST AND PRIMARY BROAD-LEAVED KOREAN PINE FOREST Effects of Selective Cutting Intensities on Niche of Six Dominant Species Populations on Arbor Layer in Natural Secondary Forest NATURAL SECONDARY POPLAR-BIRCH FOREST IN CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN: SPECIES COMPOSITION AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE Spatial pattern of Quercus wutaishanica in natural secondary forest of Huanglong Mountain Energy balance and evapotranspiration in a natural secondary forest in Eastern Liaoning Province, China Recovery and its Quantitative Expression of the Planted Young trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Effects of replacing natural secondary broad-leaved forest with Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation on soil biological activities Snow/wind damage in natural secondary forests in Liaodong mountainous regions of Liaoning Province Biomass and spatial distribution characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis natural secondary forest at different age groups in the Liaoheyuan Nature Reserve, Hebei Province The amount and dynamics of litterfall in the natural secondary forest in Mopan Mountain Species structure of natural secondary forest in the Wudaohe farm A Study on the Seed Plant Flora of Nanshan Natural Secondary Forest in Shenzhen City Simulation of Foliage Distribution for Major Broad-Leaved Species in Secondary Forest in Mao‘er Mountain Spatial structural characteristics of natural Populus davidiana - Betula platyphylla secondary forest.

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