Preliminary studies on the information agricultural techno-system aimed to precision Genetic structure and post-glacial expansion of Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae): integrative evidence from phylogeography, population demographic history, and species distribution modeling Plant phylogeography in arid Northwest China: Retrospectives and perspectives Evolution of the eastern Asian–North American biogeographic disjunctions in ferns and lycophytes Intraspecific differentiation of Pleurospermum hookeri (Apiaceae), and its interspecific relationships with two close relatives in the genus Pleurospermum Late Eocene leaves of Nageia (section Dammaroideae) from Maoming Basin, South China and their implications on phytogeography Latitudinal diversity gradients in bryophytes and woody plants: Roles of temperature and water availability Phylogeography of the widespread plant Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae) in China indicated by three chloroplast DNA regions Montane refugia isolation and plateau population expansion: Phylogeography of Sino-Himalayan endemic Spenceria ramalana (Rosaceae) Phylogeography of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic alpine herb Pomatosace filicula (Primulaceae) Molecular phylogeography and conservation genetics of Sladenia celastrifolia inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation Phylogeny and biogeography of Asian Schefflera (Araliaceae) based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequences data Revisiting the phylogeny of Ranunculeae: Implications for divergence time estimation and historical biogeography RPB2 gene reveals a phylodemographic signal in wild and domesticated grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Phylogeography of Angelica nitida (Apiaceae) endemic to the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau based on chloroplast DNA sequences Molecular phylogenetic analysis suggests paraphyly and early diversification of Philadelphus (Hydrangeaceae) in western North America: New insights into affinity with Carpenteria A new species of the extinct genus Austrohamia(Cupressaceae s.l.) in the Daohugou Jurassic flora of China and its phytogeographical implications Historical biogeography of the Angelica group (Apiaceae tribe Selineae) inferred from analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA sequences Molecular phylogeography and evolutionary history of Picea likiangensis in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau inferred from mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA sequence variation Chloroplast phylogeography of a temperate tree Pteroceltis tatarinowii (Ulmaceae) in China Phylogeography of an alpine plant Ligularia vellerea (Asteraceae) in the Hengduan Mountains Anatomical reinvestigation of Archaeopteris macilenta from the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) of South China Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia Cass. (Asteraceae: Mutisieae: Gerbera-complex), an Asian-North American disjunct genus Allopatric divergence and regional range expansion of Juniperus sabina in China Male spike strobiles with Gnetum affinity from the Early Cretaceous in western Liaoning, Northeast China Reconstructing ancestral ranges in historical biogeography: properties and prospects Estimating ancestral distributions of lineages with uncertain sister groups: a statistical approach to Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis and a case using Aesculus L. (Sapindaceae) including fossils Evolution of the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions and the North and South American amphitropical disjunctions in plants Review of plant biogeographic studies in Brazil Phylogeography of Hippophae neurocarpa (Elaeagnaceae) inferred from the chloroplast DNA trnL-F sequence variation Review and tendency of net primary productivity study THE ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION ON GENUS HEDYOTIS L. Cytological Studies on Some Plants of East China (1) The Studies on the Karyotypes and Cytogeography of Taxodium Rich.(Taxodiaceae) Karyomorphology of four species in Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae) from China, with some cytogeographical notes on C. foetida Fungous Kingdom: Yunnan of China and Her Ectomycorrhizal Macrofungal Species Diversity Phylogeographical Study on Primula poissonii (Primulaceae) from Hengduan Mountains Floristic Characteristics and Species Diversity of the Orchidaceae on Shergyla Mountain, Southeast Xizang, China Applying BioMod for ModelEnsemble in Species Distributions: a Case Study for Tsuga chinensis in China Comparison of merged and non-merged similarity clustering analysis methods Evolution of the platycodonoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution Developing the Dec ision Support System (DSS) for Conversionof Farm land to Forests Project Ba sed on ArcGIS Eng ine Research progress in genes level of medicinal plants based on molecular phylogeography A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH STATUS OF PINUS KESIYA VAR. LANGBIANENSIS IN SOUTHWESTERN CHINA STUDY ON WATER BALANCE OF THE CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA FOREST IN THE DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC AREAS IN GUANGXI STUDIES ON BIRDS IN THE TIANMU MOUNTAINS,EAST CHINA Phylogeography of Angelica nitida (Apiaceae), an endemic to the QinghaiTibet Plateau A Conspectus and Phytogeography of the Genus Carex Subgen. Vignea (P. Beauv.) Kirsch. in China Variation Patterns and Systematics of the Widespread Species Epilobium angustifolium L.(Onagraceae) in China CYTOGEOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF VICIA CRACCA L.IN THE NORTH OF CHINA A BIOGEOGRAPHIC COMPARISON ON ATHYRIUM ROTH IN TAIWAN AND MAINLAND OF CHINA THE ECOLOGICAL PHYTOGEOGRAPHY AND ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY ARACEAE A Cytogeological Study of Genus Camellia Species Diversity of Genus Amanita(Basidiomycetes) in China Yunnanopilia- A Primitive New Genus of Opiliaceae from Yunnan Plateau,China and Its Biogeographic Significance Preliminary study on flora of seed plants of vegeta-tion in Mt.Yuanbaoshan, Guangxi, China A review of conservation genetics and phylogeography of Primula Environment Analysis of the Common Fossil Diatoms from the Sediments of the China Sea Mechanisms of community organization and spatiotemporal patterns of soil microbial communities Phenotypic diversity in natural populationsof Sapindus mukorossi based on fruit and seed traits TAXONOMY AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF KOBRESIA SIBIRICA (TURCZ. EX LEDEB.) BOECK. AND RELATED TAXA (CYPERACEAE) Provenance Differences for Seedling Morphology and Growth of Cephalotaxus fortunei Expert System Applied for TM Image Classification Study on the Pteridophyte Flora of Qomolangma National Nature Reserve Research on cropland grading information system in Xiantao City Study on the change of agriculture landscape pattern based on GIS—A case study from Maping Town,Zhangpu County,Fujian Province Seed geography: Its concept and basic scientific issues. Origin and essence of island biogeography and metapopulation theory The ecological suitability evaluation on urban expansion land based on uncertainties Genetic Variation and Phylogeography of Picea likiangensis Inferred from RAPD Markers Camchaya Gagnep., a newly recorded genus of Asteraceae from Guangxi and its Biogeographical significance Population genetic variations and phylogeography of Micronoemacheilus pulcher Nichols based on mtDNA control region Cytological Studies on Some Plants of Sichuan and Neighbouring Regions (I) A preliminary study of molecular phylogeny and biogeography distribution pattern of Zelkova inferred from trnL-trnF and nrITS sequences Theoretical basis for species conservation:from the theory of island biogeography to metapopulation dynamic theory STUDY ONTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPECIES,AREA AND LATITUDE OF VERTEBRATES Establishment of a real-time monitoring and forecasting system on main crop diseases and pests of China based on GIS Ecological and Evolutionary Studies on Sagittaria (Alismataceae) ON THE ORIGIN OF STACHYURACEAE A STUDY ON THE FLORISTIC PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF PTERIDOPHYTES OF DULONGJIANG , YUNNAN

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