Studies on cytogeography of Pinellia ternata poliploid complex Recent advances in soil microbial biogeography Synopsis and Systematic Reconsideration of Xerula s . str . (Agaricales) The Pollination Syndrome of Pedicularis rex (Scrophulariaceae) and Its Biogeographic Significance Genetic structure of Hucho taimen (Pallas) from Heilongjiang River as inferred from mtDNA sequence THE FLORISTIC GEOGRAPHY OF NANLING MOUNTAIN RANGE, CHINA──I. FLORISTIC COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS A COMMENT ON THE STUDY OF FLORLSTIC GEOGRAPHY BY USING MATHEMATICAL METHOD Flora Composition and Characteristics of Wula Mountain in Yin Mountains Phylogeography of Spiraea mongolica (Rosaceae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Highlands Plant flora characteristics and food resources of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitats in Shennongjia, China Relationship between geopolitical political structure and distribution of Dao-di herbs in frontier provinces of China Studies on the community feature comparison and phylogeography of relic plant Bretschneidera sinensis in Nankun and Daling Mountain, Guangdong Province NATURE CONSERVATION THEORY AND MACARTHUR-WILSON MODEL Glacial Refugia and Postglacial Recolonization Patterns of Organisms A Cytotaxonomic Study on 21 Populations of 13 Allium Species Character evolution and branch classification of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. Cytology of Two Species in the Genus Caltha (Ranunculaceae) from China Studies on Floristics of Seed Plants in Coastal Hilly Areas of Southern Hainan Island THE FLORISTIC GEOGRAPHY OF PLANTS OF HONEYSUCKLE (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) FAMILY IN GANSU A PHYTOGEGORAPHICAL STUDY ON THE FAMILY DIOSCOREACEAE STUDY ON THE PTERIDOPHYTES IN HOUHE NATURAL PROTECTIVE REGIOH A REVISION OF THE GENUS CROTAIARIA LINN IN YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA Ⅱ. Phytogeographical affinity discussion ON THE INTRASPECIFIC VARIATIONS OF POLLEN MORPHOLOGY AND POLLEN GEOGRAPHY OF A RELIC SPECIES-HELIANTHEMUM SONGARICUM SCHRENK A Review on Studies of Systematic Evolution of Gynostemma Bl. THE ECO-GEOGRABPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF(ACTINIDIA KOLOMIKTA(MAXIM. & RUPR.) MAXIM.) AND ITS PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCES BIOSYSTEMATICAL STUDIES ON NORTHEAST CHINA VICIA L.VI.-KARYOTYPE AND CYTOGEOGRAPHY OF VICIA VENOSA COMPLEX AND ITS ALLIED SPECIES Molecular Phylogenetic Inference in Fagus (Fagaceae) Based on ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) Sequence of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Progress and prospect on application of 3S technology in research and management of Chinese materia medica resources Phylogeny and putative hybridization in the subtribe Paranepheliinae (Liabeae, Asteraceae), implications for classification, biogeography,and Andean orogeny Tracking character evolution and biogeographic history through time in Cornaceae - Does choice of methods matter? Molecular phylogeography of alpine plant Metagentiana striata (Gentianaceae) The relationship between geography and climate in the generic-level patterns of Chinese seed plants

Advances in the study of systematics and evolution of the tribe Oryzeae (Poaceae) Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Androsace (Primulaceae) and the convergent evolution of cushion morphology Floristic novelties in the Umbelliferae of Xinjiang, China A new subspecies of the genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) from Yunnan with reference to its biogeographical implication Fossils of the Fagaceae and their implications in systematics and biogeography Studies on the Karyotypes and the Cytogeography of Cupressus (Cupressaceae) On Historical Elements and Tertiary Precursors of Eastern Asiatic Angiospermous Flora—Based on Phytogeogrophy of Staphyleaceae, Morinaceae and Caprifoliaceae The Geography of the Campanulaceae: On the Distribution Centres The Phytogeography of Caprifoliaceae s. str. with Its Implications for Understanding Eastern Asiatic Flora On the Genus Euchresta Benn. (Leguminosae) with “Wallace‘s Line” A Preliminary Study on the Polyploid Series and Cytogeography of Najas graminea RAPD polymorphisms and growth feature of different strains Skeletonema costatum Seed Plant Flora of Liangyeshan National Nature Reserve in Fujian Province Analysis of Relationships for Indica Local Rice from Different Places of China “Areal-type” is a Wrongly Coined Term in Floristic Geography Floristic Geography of Piper (Piperaceae) in China Karyotypes of 25 Populations of 15 Species in Allium Section Rhiziridium from China Phylogeographical Study on Eriophyton wallichii (Labiatae) from Alpine Scree of QinghaiTibetan Plateau Phylogenetic Relationships within the Orychophragmus violaceus Complex (Brassicaceae) Endemic to China Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at the Whole-seed Level: An Ecological , Biogeographical and Phylogenetic Perspective Prospect of application of molecular phylogeography in study of geoherbs Phylogeography of an alpine species Primula secundiflora inferred from the chloroplast DNA sequence variation Cytological Studies on Some Plants of Sichuan and Neighbouring Regions (I) Distribution and community characteristics of threatened seagrass Halophila beccarii in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan Population differentiation and phylogeographic pattern of a relict species, Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae), revealed from sequence polymorphism and haplotypes of the CYCLOIDEA gene Phylogeography of an alpine plant (Bupleurum smithii, Apiaceae) endemic to the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation Phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial protein-coding genes of Oncomelania hupensis in resolving relationships between landscape populations Phylogeography of Spiraea alpina(Rosaceae) in Hengduan Mountains Intraspecific differentiation of Allium wallichii (Amaryllidaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA and internal transcribed spacer fragments Late Miocene Palaeocarya (Engelhardieae: Juglandaceae) from Southwest China and its biogeographic implications

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