BIOSYNTHESIS AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF BETAINE IN PLANT UNDER SALT-STRESS Effects of Neutral Salt-stress on the Seedling Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Switchgrass Physiological Response of Xiaobingmai (Triticum aestivum -Agropyron intermedium) to Salt-Stress and Alkali-Stress Changes in the Caloric Values of Kandelia candel Seedlings Under Salt Stress Study on the Variation of the Superoxide Dismutase of Soybean under Salt-stress Condition Effects of Simulated Salt and Alkali Conditions on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Photosynthetic Characteristics and the Regulation of PhotosystemⅡ Function in Salt-stressed Sweet Sorghum Seedlings Effect of salinization on growth and ion homeostasis in seedlings of Festuca

Transformation of Cichorium intybus with the AtNHX1
gene and salinity tolerance of the transformants
Effects of al穔ali-stress on Aneurolepidium chinense and Helianthus annuus Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Three Desert Plants under NaCl Stress THE GROWTH AND SOLUTE ACCUMULATION OF SPARTINA ALTERNIFLORA SEEDLINGS IN NaCL SOLUTION OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATION Studies on Relation between Salt-tolerance and Specific Proteins Expressed under Salt Stress in Sorghum(Sorghum vulgare Pers.) Physiological Response in Early Generations of Resynthesized Brassica napus and Their Parents under Salt-stress Effects of NaCl stress on substances linked to osmotic adjustment and on photosynthetic physiology of Melilotoides ruthenica in the seedling stage Effects of Different NaCl Concentrations on the Growth and Physiological Indices of Melilotoides ruthenica Seedling The study of protein expression patterns in different parts of Polygonum sibiricum after treatment with NaHCO_3 through SDS-PAGE Preliminary Study on Salt Tolerance of Ephemeral Plant Arabidopsis pumila in Xinjiang Effects of salinization stress on growth and the antioxidant system of tall fescue Effects of NaCl Stress on the Electric Conductivity and Fluorescence Parameters of Medicago ruthenica Effect of NaCl on Growth and Activities of Protective Enzymes in Seedlings of White Clovers(Trifolium repens L.) EFFECTS OF PLC/PLD INHIBITOR ON EXPRESSION AND REGULATION OF A NOVEL 69.5 kD HEAT-STABLE PROTEIN IN MAIZE SEEDLING ROOTS UNDER SALT STRESS

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