STUDY OF GENOME CONSTITUTION OF THINOPYRUM INTERMEDIUM Identification of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium alien disomic addition lines Development of St Genome Specific ISSR Marker Evaluation of Resistances to Stripe Rust and Cytological Characterization in Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Introgressions Creating Homozygous Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Translocation Lines by Monosomic Addition Line Isolation and Characterisation of a Retrotransposon-Like Sequence Derived from Thinopyrum intermedium Reaction of Wheat-Thinopyrum Progenies and Wheat Germplasm to Sharp Eyespot Development and Cytogenetic Analysis of Perennial Wheat in Cold Region Identification of Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Telosomic Lines Resistant to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus by GISH and STS Markers Converted from RFLP Agronomic Traits and HMW-GS of 143 Wheat-Thinopyrum Progenies and Their GISH Identification STUDIES ON GENOMIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TH.BESSARABICUM AND TH.ELONGATUM Identification and Genetic Analysis of Dwarf Wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum Germplasms Inheritance of wheat stripe rust resistance of alien introgression CH223 from Thinopyrum intermedium and its cytological characterization Chromosomal Location of the Excellent Genes in Thinopyrum elongatum and its Application Chromosomal Distribution of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA Loci and Heterogeneity of Nuclear ITS Regions in Thinopyrum intermedium (Poaceae: Triticeae) Isolation and Preliminarily Functional Analysis of SGT1 Gene of Thinopyrum intermedium Functional Analysis of TNBL1 Gene in Wheat Defense Response to Barley yellow dwarf virus Using BSMV-VIGS Technique Development of Specific Molecular Markers for Thinopyrum elongatum Chromosome Using SLAF-seq Technique STUDY ON SELECTION AND SYNTHETIC PROCEDURE OF TRITITRIGIA GISH analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium Utilization of Tissue Specific Expressing Promoter RSS1P in TiERF1 Transgenic Wheat Identification and Functional Analysis of a Wheat Resistance Analogous Gene BRG1 Fluorescence in situ Hybridization and Southern Blot Analyses on Leymus racemosus and Related Species Identification of Molecular Markers for the Thinopyrum intermedium Chromosome 2Ai-2 with Resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Identification of Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Alien Disomic Addition Line ‘Shannong 120211’ with Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Salt Tolerance Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Stripe Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat Line CH5383 Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Perennial Wheat Hybrid at the Fifth Generation Isolation of Resistance Gene Candidates by a Resistance Gene Analog of Thinopyrum intermedium and Pooled-PCR Molecular Marker Analysis on Common Wheat Landrace Chinese Spring Alien Chromosome Lines Derived from Thinopyrum bessarabicum Löve Cloning and Expression of a Pathogen-induced ERF Gene in Thinopyrum intermedium