EIN3/EIL and AP2/ERF are Involved in Transcriptional Regulation on Fruit Quality Isolation and Expression of APETALA2 Transcription Factor Gene in Betula platyphylla Cloning and Expression Vector Construction of AP2/ERF-B4 Transcription Factor Gene from Brassica napus L.cv Huyou15 Cloning and Analysis of AP2/ERF Subfamily Transcription Factors from Brassica napus L. Huyou 15 Cloning and Express Analysis of PeAP2 Gene and Its Promoter in Phyllostachys edulis Research progress on AP2/ERF transcription factors regulating biosynthesis of active ingredients in medicinal plants Expression of Two Citrus AP2/ERF Genes Under Different Hormone and#br# Stress Treatments Cloning and Expression Analysis of HbERFB4-1 Gene in Hevea brasiliensi Functions and Application of the AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Family in Crop Improvement Identification and Characterization of a Novel Gene, GhWRI1, Encoding an AP2-type Transcription Factor in Gossypium hirsutum Function Analysis of the Gene OsASIE1 Responding to Abiotic Stresses in Rice Cloning and Characterization of GmTINY1 Gene in Soybean(Glycine max Characterization of WAP2 gene in Aegilops tauschii and comparison with those of homoeologous loci in wheat Cloning and Characterization of an AP2/EREBP Gene TmAP2-1 from Tetraena mongolica Expression of Two Citrus AP2/ERF Genes Under Different Hormone and#br# Stress Treatments Cloning and Expression Analysis of miR172a Targeted Gene DlAP2 in Dendrocalamus latiflorus Studies of an AP2/ERF Transcriptional Factor Regulating Bi Gene of Cucumis sativus Studies of an AP2/ERF Transcriptional Factor Regulating Bi Gene of Cucumis sativus In silico cloning and bioinformatics analysis of an AP2/EFR family gene from Arnebia euchroma Transcription factors involved in plant terpenoid biosynthesis and their application prospect EIN3/EIL and AP2/ERF are Involved in Transcriptional Regulation on Fruit Quality Transcription factors involved in plant terpenoid biosynthesis and their application prospect

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