Analysis of Long-term Fertilization Effect on Yield of Wheat in Dry-land on Loess Plateau
Sustainability of crop yields in China under long-term fertilization and different ecological conditions.
Phosphorus use efficiency of wheat on three typical farmland soils under long-term fertilization.
Effects of different long-term fertilization patterns on Fuji apple yield, quality, and soil fertility on Weibei Dryland, Shaanxi Province of Northwest China.
The influence of the long-term application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer on microbial community in calcareous fluvo-aquic soil
Effects of fertilization and soil management on microbial biomass and communityBI Mingli1,2, YU Wantai1,*, JIANG Zishao1, ZHOU Hua1, SHEN Shanmin1
Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Mineralization of Organic Carbon and Microbial Activity in Red Soil
Effects of Soil Available Nutrients and Long-term Fertilization on Yield of
Fuji Apple Orchard of Weibei Area in Shaanxi,China
Effects of Soil Available Nutrients and Long-term Fertilization on Yield of
Fuji Apple Orchard of Weibei Area in Shaanxi,China
Effects of long-term K application and straw returning on crop yield and soil K status in fluvoaquic soil of Hebei Province
Effects of longterm fertilization on contents of Zn, B, Cu, Fe and Mn in ricegrain and soil in yellow paddy fields of southern China
Effect of long-term fertilization on organic carbon fractions and contents of cinnamon soil
Response of carbon and nitrogen contents of winter wheat to long-term fertilization treatments in fluvo-aquic soil
Effects of long-term fertilization on soil microorganism and its role in adjusting and controlling soil fertility
Dynamics of microbial biomass N in different fertilized black soil and its related factors
Effect of fertilization on extractable organic nitrogen in wheat monoculture cropping systems
Effects of long-term fertilization on diversities of soil microbial community structure and function in grey desert soil of Xinjiang
Dynamics and availability of soil soluble organic phosphorus in a long-term fertilization experiment
Effects of long-term fertilization on fractal features for soil aggregates in semi-arid farmland ecological system
Distribution features of soil water content in the profile of rainfed cropland with long-term fertilization
Effects of long-term application of fertilizer on wheat nutrient uptake and soil fertility in Loess Plateau
Effect of long term fertilizers and organic inputs on balance and fate of nitrogen in fluvo-aquic soil
Effect of long-term fertilization on K+ desorption kinetics of noncalcareous fluvo-aquic soil
Changes in characterization of phosphorus sorption in relation to its forms and soil organic carbon
Effect of long-term fertilization on the methane oxidization and the methane emission in paddy soil
Effect of organic manure and chemical fertilizer combined application on the form and distribution of organic nitrogen of black soil
Effect of long-term fertilization on the status of potassium in noncalareous fluvo-aguic soil
Effect of long-term fertilizer application on yield, nitrogen uptake and soil NO3--N accumulation in wheat/maize intercropping
Effect of long-term fertilization on wheat quality and yield in grey desert soil
The effect on soil phosphorus in long-term continuous cropping of alfalfa in the arid loess regions
Effects of long term plant Medicago sativa Linn. on soil nitrogen nutrient
Effect of long-term fertilization on microbial community functional diversity in black soil.
Effects of long-term different fertilizations on biomass and nutrient content of maize root.
Distribution and enrichment characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in mollisols under long-term fertilization.
Effect of long-term fertilization on lignin accumulation in typical subtropical upland soil.
Effects of continuous cropping of wheat and alfalfa on soil enzyme activities and nutrients.
Responses of soil nematode communities to long-term application of inorganic fertilizers in upland red soil.
Effects of long-term fertilization on evolution of S forms in a red soil and a black soil.
Degradation kinetics and bioavailability of pentachlorophenol in paddy soil-rice plant ecosystem
Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Activities of Key Enzymes Related to Nitrogen Metabolism (ENM) of Maize Leaf
The dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of soil reactions catalyzed by soil enzymes under long-term fertilization in Loess Plateau
Effects of long-term nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applications on maize yield and soil fertility
Effects of long-term fertilization on availability of micro-elements in vegetable soil
Grey relationship between cropland soil fauna community and the environment factors in Shaanxi
Long-term fertilization on yield increase of winter wheat-maize rotation system in Loess Plateau dryland of Gansu
Effects of long-term fertilization on soil enzyme activities and its role in adjusting-controlling soil fertility
Effect of long-term fertilization on the forms of organic phosphorus in paddy soil derived from red earth
Impact of long term fertilization on different forms of inorganic phosphorus in aquic brown-soil
Effect of long-term fertilization on the content of different forms of phosphorus in wheat
Response of Olsen-P to P balance in yellow soil upland of southwestern China under long-term fertilization.
DYNAMIC AND BALANCE OF SOIL NUTRIENTS UNDER LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION CONDITIONS I . Effects of fertilization on accumulation of soil humus and its qualities
Profile distribution of enzyme activity of long-term fertilization soil and its dynamic characteristics
Effect of long-term fertilization on content of total and particulate organic carbon and their depth distribution of a paddy soil: An example of huangnitu from the Tai Lake region,China