ESTIMATING EFFECT OF PLANTING SOYBEAN ON PROFIT AND LOSS OF SOIL NITROGEN Study on fertilization effect and fertilizer use efficiency of rice in Hubei Province Study on economic benefit analyzing methods for precision agriculture Effects of dicyandiamide on nitrogen loss from cucumber planting soil in intensive greenhouse under different irrigation and nitrogen conditions The appropriate mixing ratio of control-released urea and common urea in winter wheat production Effects of combined application of biological organic fertilizer and inorganic compound fertilizer on the tobacco profit and nitrogen use efficiency Effects of N,  P and K fertilization on spring maize yield and fertilizer use efficiency in Weibei rainfed highland Effects of N, P and K fertilization on wheat yield and fertilizer use efficiency in Weibei rainfed hihgland Yield and profitability of corn and soybean under different tillage in the black soils of Northeast China A tentative study on agricultural developing pattern of eco-environmental fragile area in Western Jilin Province Harvest strategy of discrete Leslic predator-prey system A brief analysis on models of eco-tea industry in Anhui Province Application of the analytic hierarchy process to pest management in the rice fields of Shanghai City Studies on Changes of Field - Vegetable Ecosystem under Long-term FixedFertilizer Experiment( Ⅳ) Changes of Field - Vegetable Ecosystem Cropping system optimization based on the comparative analysis of precipitation utilization in Sichuan Province Emergy analysis of ecological economic system of Xixi National Wetland Park Effect of Nitrogen,Phosphorus,Potassium and Boron Fertilizers on Yiedl and Profit of Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)in the Yangtze River Basin Effect of alfalfa hay substituting for part of the concentrate, on the production of cows and economic profit A STUDY ON CRITICAL OUTPUT OF LOADERS AT TIMBER YARD MAKING AND PRACTICE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN IN STATE-OWNED FOREST FARM Some effects of inorganic fertilizer and recycled crop nutrients on soil nitrogen supply and paddy rice production in the red earth region of China Forest Ecology Value Accounting Principle Method for Calculating Marginal Profits of Traits in Breeding Objectives for Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)