Determination of trace elements in Sal Ammoniac and Halite Violaceous as well as their different processed products Optimization of microwave extraction process of Corydalis Rhizoma by Box-Behnken in condition of pilot scale MICROWAVE-ASSISTED SYNTHESIS OF CHITOSAN-g-POLY(ACRYLIC ACID) SUPERABSORBENT POLYMERS MICROWAVE EXTRACTION AND HSCCC ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLOROGENIC ACID IN Eucommia ulmoides LEAVES LETHAL EFFECTS OF MICROWAVE TREATMENT ON
Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus AND GERMINATION RATE OF WHEAT
Fractal structure of Abies fabri, dominant tree species in dark coniferous forest at the upper reach of Yangtze River Response of structural plasticity of Tilia amurensis sapling crowns to different light conditions Screening of IAA- Producing Rhizobium Antibiotic-resistant Strain Using Microwave Mutagenesis Characteristics and Dynamic Model Creation of Microwave Drying Ready-to-use Lentinus edodes The Character istics of Nutr ient D istr ibution in the Tree Crown ofAbies georgei var . sm ith ii Forest in Mount Sejila of Tibet Effects of Crown Attr ibutes onWood Character isticsand Increments of Popu lus ×xiaohe i Influences of Acid Rain on Crown Leaching of Chemical Ions in Different Forest Ecosystem in Guangzhou Nelder Trial:Effect of Density on Crown Growth and Multi-stem Emergence of Acacia auriculaeformis Forests Interrelations of Forest Precipitation, Crown Interception and Trunk Stemflow in Sub-tropical Plantations of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana Root and Crown Trait of Alfalfa in Kerqin Sandy Land Total flavones in Grataegus pinnatifida var.major by microwave-assisted extraction Influence of microwave radiation pretreatment on physiology and seedling development in Isatis indigotica seeds Microwave-assistedex traction of active components from Radix Glycyrrhiza Isolation and purification of polysaccharides from transgenic crown gall cultures of Panax quinquefolium Effect of Crown Position on the Leaf Anatomical Traits and Nitrogen Content in Five Broadleaf Tree Species STUDY ON TOXICITY MUTATION OF CROWNVETCHINDUCED BY RADIATION COMPARISON OF EXTRACTION METHODS OF SCHIZOPHYLLAN PRODUCED BY SOLID FERMENTATION Study on Microwave-assisted Extraction Condition of Polysaccharides from Sargassum horneri and its Antioxidant Activities

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