INDUCTION CULTURE OF PLANT CROWN GALLS AND REGENERATION 0F PLANTS FROM CROWN GALLS Determination of seven harmful metal elements in six kinds of Mongolian drug by microwave digestion ICP-AES Ionic liquid extraction technology and its application in field of Chinese materia medica Determination of trace elements in Sal Ammoniac and Halite Violaceous as well as their different processed products Check valve and non-oxygen microwave assisted extraction of Chinese herbs: study of a novel technique for extraction of essential oils Study on Technology of Activated Carbon of Bamboo by Microwave Method Estimating Forest Stand Crown Based on High Spatial Resolution Image Effects of Intensive Microwave Irradiation on the Permeability of Larch Wood Linear Mixed Model of Aerial Photo Crown Width and Ground Diameter Crown Structure Model and Three Dimensional Computer Graphics Simulation for Mongolian Scots Pine Plantation Effect of Microwave and He-Ne Laser on Enzyme Activity and Biophoton Emission of Isatis indigotica Fort Morphological investigation of desert shrubs of China’s Junggar Basin based on allometric theory Tree architecture of overlapping species among successional stages in evergreen broad-leaved forests in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province, China Classification of Pinus massoniana and secondary deciduous tree species in northern subtropical region based on high resolution and hyperspectral remotely sensed data Architectural analysis of Osmanthus fragrans Crown Architectural Analysis of Crown Geometry of Saplings of Quercus liaotungensis Forest in Different Habitats EFFECTS OF STAND DENSITY ON CROWN ARCHITECTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF LIGHT ENERGY IN POPULUS DELTOIDES CV. ‘LUX’ I-69/55 PLANTATION A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE DENSITIES OF MYTILARIA LAOSENSIS PLANTATION Studies on Prediction Methods of Seed Crop for Masson Pine(Pinus massoniana) Determination of heavy metal elements in Chuanmingshen violaceum by ICP-MS Analysis on drying process, equipment application status and problem of Chinese materia medica pills Determination of 13 kinds of metal elements in 10 common Chinese materia medica injections by ICP-MS Research progress on clinical application of Sophorae Flavescentis Radix gelatum Application of enzyme technology in flavonoid ingredients of Chinese materia medica Estimating Stem Volume Using QuickBird Imagery and Allometric Relationships for Open Populus xiaohei Plantations Mieroclimate in tea tree crown and its effect on growth, development and biochemical composition of new shoots Judging method of individual age and age structure of Stellera chamaejasme population in degraded steppe Microwave-assisted Polysaccharide Extraction of Aralia chinensis L. Root and Composition Determination of Monosaccharide Path Analysis on the Crown Characteristics and Growth of Manglietia yuyuanensis in Mixed Stands Impacts of Different Intermediate Cutting on Crown Structure of Manglietia yuyuanensis in Mixed Stands with Cunninghamia lanceolata Studies on the Characteristics of Gap Border Trees in the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Western Sichuan Studies on the Pathogen and Pathogenesis Regularity of Root Cancer in Kiwifruit Study on Crown Structure and Function of Phyllostachys pubescensStands for Culm and Shoot Production Microwave-assisted Extraction of Solanine from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Study on extraction technology of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma by microwave pressure Extraction of total flavonoids from Trachelospermi Caulis et Folium with microwave-assisted technique Study on Vertica l Structue of Forest Commun ities in Yunmengshan Selection and Evaluation of the Resistant Resources to Rose Crown Gall Disease Hydrological Properties and Water Balance of Pinus armandii Plantation in Central Dian Plateau, Yunnan Province Effect of the Selection of Grown Structure and Growth Characteristics on the Improvement of Tree Trunk Form in Paulownia fortunei Optimization of solvent-free microwave extraction for Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma and analysis on volatile components by GC-MS Pathogen Identification of Fusarium Crown Root Rot and Screening for Resistant Sources in Tomato Ionic Liquids-based Microwave-assisted Extraction of Biochanin A and Genistein from Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen Leaves Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Syringin and Oleuropein from Syringa reticulata Optimization of Extraction Technology of Antioxidant Components From Ginkgo Pollen Effects of Microwave Pasteurization Process on the Quality of Loquat Juice Screening of transgenic wheat germplasm resistant to crown rot Methodological Study for Total Flavonoid Extraction from Alfalfa by Microwave Assistance A Study on Clover Moisture Measurement by Microwave Oven Method Identification Pathogens of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa in Dingxi Region Study on microwave-assisted extraction technology for active ingredients in different parts of traditional Chinese medicine Determination of 27 elements in Maca nationality‘s medicine by microwave digestion ICP-MS Determination of residual aluminium Ion in Huoxiang Zhengqi pellets by GFAAS with EDTA complexation extraction The Arabidopsis CROWDED NUCLEI genes regulate seed germination by modulating degradation of ABI5 protein Analysis of dynamic variations in crown characteristics ofdifferent root-type alfalfa plants Responses of crown architecture and competition of birch seedlings (Betula albosinensis) to enriched CO2 under different planting densities Microwave-assisted Extraction of Paeoniflorin and Paeonol from Tree Peony Seed Coat and Content Determination Individual Tree Growth Model of Larch Plantation based on Crown Competition Factors THE MACERATION METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF PLANT SPECIMEN OF HIGH RESOLUTION FOR SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY USING MICROWAVE EFFECT OF TREE CROWN DISPOSITION ON THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL INCREMENT IN THE MAIN STEM OF POPLAR DETERMINING BASAL AREA GROWTH PROCESS OF THINNINED EVEN-AGED STANDS BY CROWN COMPETITION FACTOR STUDIES ON THE GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS AND THE CROWN STRUCTURE OF EUCALYPTUS PLANTATION WITH THE DIFFERENT CONTINUOUS-PLANTING ROTATION STUDY ON POPLAR GROWTH UNDER AGRO-SILVICULTURAL INTERCROPPING CONDITIONS Research on Tree Crown Recognition System Based on BP Networks Fingerprints and Heavy Metal Contents of Dendrobium officinale Produced from 12 Areas STUDIES ON THE FUSARIUM CROWN ROT OF BANANA Studies on the Microwave Processing Method of Semen Armeniacae Amarum Microwave extraction of prOanthOcyanidins from grape seeds Microwave extraction of total flavonoids from Hippophae rhamnoides leaves Comparative study on yield and quality of flower buds of Lonicera japonica  within several flowering stages The Microwave-assisted Two-phase Solvent Extraction of Essential Oil from Taiwanofungus camphoratus and Its Antifungal Activity The growth of canopy trees and gap dynamics of the Korean-pine forests Analysis of Growth Process and Partition of Growth Phase on Poplar Clone I-69 Discussion on Prediction of Wood Properties and Product Values of Plantation by Remote Sensing Technology Application of 3D Scanner Technology to Analysis the Crown Architecture Parameters of Poplar Plantations 1-Deoxynojirimycin Extraction from Ramulus Mori and Relationship Analysis between Its Content in Extracts and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity Process of Wood High-Intensity Microwave Pretreatment Based on Response Surface Methodology Screening of Germplasm and Establishment of New Evaluation Method for the Resistance to Wheat Crown Root A new technique of extracting effective components from Chinese herb and natural plant——microwave assisted extraction,MAE Study on water extraction process of Herba epimedii with microwave technology

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