Advance of growth modulation and genesis gene of plant crown gall Analysis of triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum by microwave-assisted continuous extraction Fingerprint of X-ray diffraction of Tibetan medicine dairy Nanhanshuishi and its application in processing by microwave Application of microwave technology in extraction process of Guizhi Fuling capsule Selectivity of microwave extraction on Chinese medicines in different morphological structure and different polar compositions Microwave extraction of glycyrrhizic acid from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Microwave extracting technique of Radix Saiviae Miltiorrhizae THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE STRUCTURE AND THE SUNLIGHT UTILIZATION RATIO OF DIFFERENT FORESTRY COMMUNITIES Rainfall interception capacity of forest canopy between two different stands Antimicrobial Activity of the Volatile Oil from Atractylodes lancea Study on Extraction of Active Ingredient of Turmeric by Supercritical CO2 and Microwave Combined Technique Effects of Canopy Interception on Energy Conversion Processes in Chinese Fir Plantation Ecosystem Fractal Characteristics of Tree Crown of Populus×xiaozhuanica in Shelterbelts Study on Tree-Crown Extraction from QuickBird Imagery Based on Object-Oriented Approach in the Project of Converting Cropland to Forest A STUDY ON INDIVIDUAL ECOLOGY OF THE MEDICAL PLANT KNOXIA VALERIANOIDES OBSERVATION AND STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY VARIATION OF MAGNOLIA BIONDII PAMP. STUDY ON PREDICTION METHOD OF CONE CROP IN CHINESE FIR [CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA (LAMB.)HOOK] SEED ORCHARD A STUDY ON CALCULATING PROPORTIONAL COEFFICIENT OF CROWN AREA AND DETERMINING STANDARD DENSITY (STEM NUMBER) OF PURE ARTIFICIAL EVEN AGED STAND Effects of Wood Dyeing with Microwave Processing Blood see sorrow of the chemical composition of the research The density effect of Platycladus orientalis plantation in Beijing area Extracting the canopy structure parameters using hemispherical photography method Microwave-assisted Extraction of Solanine from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Architectural Analysis of Crown Geometry in Quercus liaotungensis Influence of Canopy upon Rainfall in a Regenerative Tropical Mountain Rain Forest at Jianfengling of Hainan Island Effects of diameter at breast height on crown characteristics of Chinese Fir under different canopy density conditions Relationships among light conditions, crown structure and branch longevity: a case study in Osmanthus fragrans and Metasequoia glyptostroboides Estimation of forest aboveground biomass using high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery Optimization of Combined Osmotic Dehydration and Tunnel Microwave Drying of Pleurotus eryngii Optimization of Combined Vacuum Microwave-Explosion Puffing Drying of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn Chips Response of Amorpha fruiticosa planting to soil nutrients in the Tibetan Plateau The relationship of root traits with persistence and biomass in 10 alfalfa varieties Dynamic monitoring of vegetation water content based on microwave remote sensing in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau region from 2002 to 2010 Extraction of total flavonoids from Trachelospermi Caulis et Folium with microwave-assisted technique Study on extraction technology of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma by microwave pressure Research on microwave-assisted extraction technology of salidroside Study on optimization of microwave-assisted extraction process for active ingredients in Radix Polygoni Multiflori with uniform design Application of microwave technique to extraction of free anthraquinones in Rheum emodi The compensatory growth of shrubby Pinus thunbergii response to the boring stress in sandy coast Changes in ultrastructure of fresh leaves of Ginkgo biloba after microwave-assisted extraction Study of Tolerance to Salt on Grasses for Lawn in Cold Regions Pathogen Identification of Fusarium Crown Root Rot and Screening for Resistant Sources in Tomato Differences in leaf mass per area, photosynthetic pigments and δ13C by orientation and crown position in five greening tree species Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Accumulation of Tanshinones in Crown Gall Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza Investigation on the structure of the protective forest belt in sandy area in Maowusu Estimation of aboveground biomass of desert plants Retrieval of crown closure of moso bamboo forest using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remotely sensed imagery based on geometricoptical model. Interpopulation difference in growth and reproduction of endemic specie s Tetraena mongolica in Ordos Plateau Theoretical research on a model for predicting the shadow boundary of and individual conical crown on a slope THE STUDY OF INDIVIDUAL TREE MODEL ON LARIX OLGENSIS PLANTATION Research Crown Diameter and Diameter at Breast Height Relations of Ten Kinds of Major Natural Secondary Broad-leaved Tree in Maoershan The Extraction Process of Biochanin A from Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Leaves The Relationship between Crown Size and Pine Nut Yield for Korean Pine Plantation Branch Dynamics for the Korean Pine Plantation Based on Linear Mixed Mode STUDIES ON COUNTING GREATEST DENSITY OF STAND USING PROJECTED AREAS OF TREE-CROWN Extraction and Content of Total Flavone in Schizonepeta tenuifolia by Microwave Technique Rapid analysis of psoralen and isopsoralen in Psoralea corylifolia by microwave-assisted extraction Effective constituents and kinetic model of microwave drying from Shuxiong prescription Mathematical Modeling of Temperature Profiles in Wood During Microwave Heating Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Tamarix ramosissima Shrub in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Study on predicition method of cone crop in seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis Enrichment characteristics of heavy metals in heron eggs Study of Tree Competition Index Based on Crown Feature Position-dependent Shoot Production of Two Subtropical Fig Tree Species Following Crown Damage Study on microcosmic mechanism about microwave-assisted extraction of Radix Puerariae and Radix Caulis Acanthopanacis Senticosi Microwave-assistant extraction of water-soluble pachyman from Poria cocos Research on Structure Control of High Y ield B am busa oldham iBamboo Shoot Stands Ba sing on N /S Selection and Breeding for Narrow-crown Clone of BlackLocust ( Robin ia pseudoacac ia ) Orthogonal optimization of plastic beads microwave processing of Colla Corii Asini,Colla Carapacis et Plastri Testudinis,and Colla Cornus Cervi Chemical constituents from crown gall of transgenic Panax quinquefolium (II) Tolerance and Physiological Response of Different Types Cherry Rootstocks Seedlings to Crown Gall Variation of Leaf Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts Analysis of Crown Growth Characteristics in Natural Larix gmelinii Forests Optimal Growing Space for Juglans mandshurica in Second Growth Forests in Changbai Mountains Determination of Inorganic Elements in Bamboo Leaves by ICP-MS Effect of Hydrothermal-Microwave Treatment on Softening and Longitudinal Compressing and Bending Elm Wood Effect of Straw Returning and Reduced Tillage on Interspecific Competition and Complementation in Wheat/Maize Intercropping System THE EXTRACTION OF AROMA CONSTITUENTS FROM FRESH FLOWERS OF MAGNOLIA SOULANGEANA THROUGH MICROWAVE OVEN-ABSORBTION

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