Anatomical Structure observation of Stem Blockage in Cut Gerbera Flowers Effects of Exogenous Ammonium on the Pigmentation and Growth in Gerbera hybrida Ray Floret Effects of Exogenous Ammonium on the Pigmentation and Growth in Gerbera hybrida Ray Floret The Effects of Rhizosphere Heating on Flower Yields and Quality of Soilless Growing Gerbera during Winter Effects of La3+ on Tissue Culture of Gerbera jasmesonil ‘Sunbird’ Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Studies on Regeneration System from Petiole of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ‘Sunanda’ in vitro Research Progress in Influence Factors of Stem Bending of Cut Gerbera Flower The Antitussive and De-sputum Essential Substance from the Root of Gerbera piloselloides and Its Analytical Compositions Preliminary Functional Analysis of Microtubule-associated Protein GMAP65-1 from Gerbera hybrida A New Cut Flower Gerbera Cultivar‘Autumn Day’ A New Cut Flower Gerbera Cultivar‘Autumn Day’ Variation of Microbial Biomass in Different Culture Media of Gerbera jamesoni at Different Growth and Developmental Periods Pathogen Identification of Gerbera Powdery Mildew and Its Control Experiment with Verticillium lecanii Pathogen Identification of Gerbera Powdery Mildew and Its Control Experiment with Verticillium lecanii Selection of Organic Ecotype Soilless Culture Media for Gerbera jamesonii In Vitro Micropropagation of Gerbera Leaf In Vitro Micropropagation of Gerbera Leaf The Effects of Rhizosphere Heating on Flower Yields and Quality of Soilless Growing Gerbera during Winter Selection of Organic Ecotype Soilless Culture Media for Gerbera jamesonii Rapid detection of 3 viruses in Gerbera jamesonii Bolus and its virus-free by tissue culture Anthocyan in Accumulation and CHS, DFR Gene Expression Regula ted byLight and Sugar in Gerbera hybrida Ray Floret Chalcone Synthase Gene Cloning in Gerbera hybrida and Expression in E.coli Study on composition of two polysaccharides Gbp and Gcp from root of Gerbera piloselloides Studies on chemical constituents from Gerbera piloselloides Classification for Gerbera DUS Testing Quantitative Traits and Diversity Analysis of Mrphological Characteristic Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia Cass. (Asteraceae: Mutisieae: Gerbera-complex), an Asian-North American disjunct genus Influence of S-3307 on Fresh-keeping of Cut Flowers of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus A Revision of Gerbera L. ex Cass.( and Its Distribution in China Research Progress in Influence Factors of Stem Bending of Cut Gerbera Flower Studies on Metabolism of Active Oxygen during Senescence of Cut Gerbera Neck2bending Phenomena in Cut Gerbera Flower Effects of La3+ on Tissue Culture of Gerbera jasmesonil ‘Sunbird’ Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Roots and Rhizomes of Gerbera piloselloides Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthesis of Gerbera Modified by PSAG12-ipt A New Cut Flower Gerbera Cultivar‘Liangfen’with Resistance to Phytophthora cryptogea The Induction and Proliferation of Calli in Gerbera jamesonii Bolus A New Cut Flower Gerbera Cultivar‘Liangfen’with Resistance to Phytophthora cryptogea in vitro Screening Procedure of Hydroxyproline-resisitant Lines of Gerbera hybrida