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Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils
Analysis of yield potential of maize in different ecological regions in Jilin Province using Hybrid-maize model
Effects of faba bean (
Vicia faba
L.) root exudate on soil available nutrients and microbial population in different purple soils
Nutrient restrictive factors, nutrient absorption and accumulation of red kidney bean
Effects of single-seed sowing at different densities on nutrient uptake and distribution in peanut
Effects of alternative irrigation on eco-physiological characteristics of wheat/faba-bean intercropping
Effect of row spacing on nitrogen uptake, nitrogen utilization and yield of summer maize
Wheat grain yield and nitrogen use characteristics under monoculture and intercropping with different nitrogen fertilization rates
Nutrient cycling and balance in farmland ecosystem in Bohai Lowland Plain
Effect of seed priming on drought and salinity tolerance of wheat: An overview
Suitability evaluation of unused land as construction land in Huailai based on landscape connectivity theory
Analysis of landscape pattern and affecting factors in Huailai County
Evaluation of climate suitability of winter wheat based on cloud model analysis— A case study of Suzhou, Anhui Province
Understanding yield gap and production potential based on networked variety-density tests and Hybrid-Maize model in maize production areas of Inner Mongolia
Development mode of Cangzhou National Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Hebei Province, China
Production state and yield potential of wheat and maize in low-medium yield farmlands in Hebei Plain
Research on exploiting wheat-maize grain yield theory and technology in the eastern low plain of Hebei Province
Impact of high temperature stress on grain-filling and the relief effect of foliage sprays during grain-filling stage of wheat
Using vegetation net primary productivity to determine theoretical and achievable farmland productivity
Risk assessment and zoning of drought for summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai Region
Study on predation preference of
Harmonia axyridis
(Pallas) and
Adonia variegata
(Goeze) on red and green color morph pea aphids
Analysis of the fungal community in continuous cropping cotton field of Xinjiang using 18S rDNA-PCR-DGGE
Soil seed bank and its correlations with aboveground vegetation in ecological restoration zones of Wenchuan Earthquake Region
Effects of nighttime temperature increase on physio-chemical properties, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in high-altitude region of Yunnan Province
Analysis of altitude adaptability of main flue-cured tobacco varieties in Kunming City
Population characteristics of super-high-yielding wheat under rice stubble in Huanghuai area
Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and related controlling factorsin Renshou County, Sichuan Province
Effect of rice husk biochar on lettuce Cd uptake and soil fertility
Pig farm-cropland configuration under typical waste treatment modes- A case study of anaerobic liquid fermentation following solid-liquid separation of waste
Characteristics and soil anti-erodibility effects of mulberry forest lands at different altitudes of water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir
Dynamic simulation of maize main organ morphogenesis
Stomatal or non-stomatal limitation of photosynthesis of spring wheat flag leaf at late growth stages under natural conditions in semiarid rainfed regions
Effect of global warming on climate feasibility index and available field days of flue-cured tobacco
RZWQM simulation of nitrogen transport and loss under winter wheat/ summer maize rotation system in the North China Plain
Differences in maize photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen regulation effects in maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay strip intercropping
Application and outlook of alien earth soil-improving technology in arsenic-contaminated soil remediation
Research progress on cropland phosphorus balance in China
Physiological activity and material production in processing tomato under continuous cropping
Effects of years of straw return to soil on greenhouse gas emission in rice/wheat rotation systems
Distribution characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in dry farmland soil aggregates under different tillage methods in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province
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