A New Species of Acidosasa from Hunan Province A New Species of Excoecaria (Euphorbiaceae) from Vietnam A New Species of Derris from China New Plants of Lauraceae from Guizhou New Taxa of Moraceae from China and Vietnam A Supplement to the Flora of Xizang (Tibet) (1) Duo Genera Nova Gesneriacearum e Sina Australi Echinocodon Hong, a New Genus of Campanulaceae and Its Systematic Position Pollen Morphology of the Subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae) Two New Ferns from Shandong Province Four New Species of Arachniodes Blume from China Pollen Tetrads in Lilium with a Discussion on the Delimitation Between L.semer vivoideum and Its Ally Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Cephalotaxus (Cephalotaxaceae) A Study on the Genus Cephalotaxus Sieb. et Zucc. On the Systematic Position of Amentotaxus from Its Embryological Investigation Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Discovery of Bisexual Flowers in Pterocarya Stenoptera C. DC. The Chromosome Numbers of 12 Species in Orchidaceae from China The Karyotype Analysis of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Two New Species of Rhododendron from China On the Genus Ceterachopsis (J. Sm.) Ching A Supplement to the 《Flora of Xizang》 (2) Chromosome Studies of 10 Species of Aconitum in China Studies on Pollen Morphology in Tiliaceae of China New Taxa from Hunan A New Species of Potamogeton from Hubei Behavioral responses of Chrysopa septempunctata to synomones of tea plants and sex pheromones of aphids: Effectiveness on tea aphid control Diurnal change in root zone temperature of soil ridge substrate-embedded cultivation method for sweet pepper in solar greenhouse Effects of intercropping time and planting density on nitrogen use efficiencyof melon-sunflower intercropping system Effects of lucerne-crop rotation patterns on soil aggregate stabilityand soil organic carbon Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on post-silking dry matter production and leaves function characteristics of low-nitrogen tolerance maize Mineralization characteristics of soil organic carbon under long-term fertilization management A preliminary study on the effect of agro-meteorological factors on molecular mechanism of rice blast occurrence Evolution of soil organic carbon and crop yield under long-term fertilization in grey desert soils Effect of fertilization depth on maize root and rhizosphere soil fertility vertical distribution in immature loess subsoil Effects of different nitrogen application amounts and seedling densities on nitrogen accumulation and transport in winter wheat at anthesis stage Spatio-temporal changes in resource environment pressure due to eco-civilization in Sichuan Province, China Comprehensive evaluation of eco-economic benefits of multi-crop rotation in paddy field systems Competitiveness and yield response to belowground interaction and density in barley-pea intercropping system Spatial recognition of ecological importance and analysis of terrain gradients characteristic of unused lands in Guyuan County Intra-annual dynamics of soil conservation features in Huanghua City Effects of nitrogen addition on above-standard Cd-contaminated soils in vegetable fields Study on apoplast anti-freeze proteins in winter turnip rape (Brassica rape L.) Canopy light distribution and yield of winter wheat in jujube-wheat strip intercropping system Effects of more plants per hill on population quality and yield of summer maize Content, distribution, source and ecological risk of heavy metals in soils of Benggang areas in Southwest Fujian Effects of Arabisalpina L. var. parviflora Franch and Zea mays L. intercropping system on root-exudated organic acids under lead stress Influence of daub exogenous ascorbic acid and glutathione on wounds after tobacco topping on redox equilibrium and nicotine content of tobacco Effect of exogenous 2,4-epibrassinolide on trace element absorption and chlorophyll fluorescence of Medicago sativa L. seedlings under NaCl stress Impact of farmland transfer on agro-ecosystem Analysis of spatial distribution pattern and evolutionary characteristics of cultivated lands based on spatial autocorrelation model and GIS platform— A case study of Longquanyi District, Chengdu, China Spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of climatic suitability degree of maize in Western Liaoning Province from 1956 to 2010 Impact simulation of climate change on potential and rainfed yields of winter wheat in Southwest China from 1961 to 2010 Soil microbial diversity analysis after different years of Panax notoginseng harvest Research progresses of farmland microorganisms in fluvo-aquic soil of China Intercropping enhances agroecosystem services and functioning: Current knowledge and perspectives Land layout of rural tourism site based on ecological restraint: A case study of Zixing Village in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province Impact of climate change on potential productivity and phenological phase of forage in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the past 50 years Response of ‘Merlot’ grape berry quality and metabolome to meteorological factors at both low and high altitudes Effect of shading signal on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of soybean seedlings Effects of straw incorporation modes on microbial activity and functional diversity in sandy soil Effects of reduced nitrogen application and sugarcane-soybean intercropping on carbon balance in sugarcane fields Vegetation carbon storage and carbon sequestration rates in northern Hebei Province Effects of shading and light recovery on soybean morphology and photosynthetic characteristics in soybean-maize intercropping system Short-term response of farmland carbon emission to straw return, two-year plastic film mulching and intercropping Greenhouse gas exchange and comprehensive global warming potential under different wheat-maize rotation patterns Environmental fate and health risks of phthalate acid esters in soils: A review The impact of human activity and climate change on ecosystem services value in the Yanqi Basin, Xinjiang, China Estimation of evapotranspiration in maize fields with ground mulching with plastic film in semi-arid areas using revised Shuttleworth-Wallace model Influence of yak dung collection on characteristics and productivity of plant functional group of alpine meadow Influence of different typical under-forest economy modes on the plant community diversity in China’s Southwest Mountains Changes in cotton rhizosphere soil bacterial community diversity and structure induced by chlorpyrifos The compensation growth and salt ion distribution in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) after salt stress reduction Effects of sugarcane and maize intercropping on sugarcane rhizosphere microbe metabolic function diversity Evaluation of potential of unused land exploitation in Northern Tianshan Mountain Economic Belt — A case study of Fukang City Effects of habitat on ant functional groups: A case study of Lüchun County, Yunnan Province, China Analysis of yield stability and test site representativeness of sugarcane trials using combined AMMI and HA-GGE biplot models Morphological responses of potato varieties (lines) to enhanced UV-B radiation Effect of tree canopy structure on light condition in almond-winter wheat intercropping systems Effect of corn-stalk biochar on soil microbial functional diversity and bacterial community in cinnamon soils

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