Research progress in chemical communication among insect-resistant genetically modified plants, insect pests and natural enemies. Research progress on chemical communication of development and host-finding of nematodes COMMUNICATION THROUGH COMPUTER NETWORK IN PREDICTION OF FOREST PESTS Researching the Mechanism in Plant in vitro Culture via “Communication” Experiment and to Establish the Methods Widely Used for Tissue Culture of Wheat The Plant Vascular System: Evolution, Development and Functions Weather Monitoring by the Signals of Mobile Communication Networks Three Types of Grafting Techniques Available for Research of Root-Shoot Communication in Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum) Seedlings under Low-Potassium Condition Prevention and treatment of total flavonoids from Gleditsiae Spina on lung cancer and its mechanisms Research advances in the mechanisms of high nutrient use efficiency in plants Electroantennogram responses of two sibling Helicoverpa species to tobacco plant volatile compounds at a lower concentration A mini review on effects of sublethal doses of insecticides on the sex pheromone communication system of insects 两种亚致死剂量的农药对亚洲玉米螟化学通讯系统的干扰作用 Disease resistance signal transfer between  roots of different tomato plants through common arbuscular mycorrhiza networks. Frontier fields of plant chemical ecology in the21st century Interactions between tumor cells and vascular endothelial cells and intervention by Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix Study on anti-tumor and anti-metastasis mechanism of alcohol extracts from Pharbitidis Semen against Lewis lung cancer Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant symbiosis on plant water relation and its mechanism Inhibitory Action of Chinese Compound Prescription for Reinforcing Vital Energy and Invigorating Blood Circulation on Cancer Cell Multiplication Advance in the Research on Chemical Communication Between Plants Interactions between tumor cells and vascular endothelial cells and intervention by Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix Positive Interactions: Crucial Organizers in a Plant Community Language of plants: Where is the word? Effects of pyrethroid insecticides on chemical communication system of female cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera FLORISTICS AND VEGETATION OF THE GENUS CARAGANA IN ORDOS PLATEAU VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHAETOGNATHS IN THE EAST CHINA SEA IN SUMMER OF 1978

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