TWO NEW FORMS OF PULSATILLA CHINENSIS (BUNGE) REGEL FROM SHANDONG ANATOMY OF THE PRIMARY VASCULAR SYSTEM OF THE SEEDLING OF Aquilegia oxysepala Trautv. ET MEY Six new species of Impatiens L. from China Tissue culture of Impatiens blepharosepala and ultrastructural observation of callus New Typification of Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen(Balsaminaceae) NEW TAXA OF PSEUDOSTELLARIA AND LYSIMACHIA FROM W.HUBEI Population characteristics of Coptis chinensis varbrevisepala in Anhui Province and its endangering mechanism Sequencing and Characterization of Transcriptome of Sinningia speciosa Sepals and Young Leaves Sequencing and Characterization of Transcriptome of Sinningia speciosa Sepals and Young Leaves Genetic diversity of Cymbidium tortisepalum by DALP Structural Analysis of the Osmophores in Orchidantha chinensis var. longisepala Morphological Variation in Cymbidium tortisepalum Additional Notes on Tarenna acutisepala How A NEW VARIETY OF IMPATIENS LINN. FROM ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Morphological observations on metamorphosed sepals in Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore (Ranunculaceae) Critical notes on some taxa of Cymbidium New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi and Guizhou of China (Cont. II) Construction of SSR Fingerprint and Genetic Variance Analysis on Cymbidium tortisepalum Cultivars in Yunnan Province Compounds from Roots of Chirita fimbrisepala Hand.-Mazz. Studies on Flavonoids from Aquilegia oxysepala Mey. A new variety of Pulsatilla(Ranunculaceae) from Greater Khingan Mountains of Inner Mongolia Study on chemical constituents of Aquilegia oxysepala POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF LOWIACEAE FROM CHINA THE NOMENCLATURE OF CAMELLIA PUBISEPALA Chemical constituents of Lysimachia stenosepala var. flavescens Chemical constituents of Lysimachia stenosepala var. flavescens

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