Natural Distribution,Drought-resistant Nature and Moisture Physiology of Fine Host Trees for Lac Insects Comparison on the Lac Quality of Three species Of Lac Insects On the Male Acdeas of Four Species of Lac Insects and Preliminary Cross Breeding Test The Current Advances and Prospect of Lac Researches in China ON THE VEGETATION C0NDITI0N OF THE BEST GR0WING REGION OF LAC INSECT IN YUNNAN Studies on Population Density and Secretion of Lac Insect Study on Blooming,Fruiting and Breeding Technicque of Schleichera oleosa Analysis of Karyotype and Evolution Trend in Seven Species of Lac Insects in Genus Kerria Clad istic Ana lysis of Phylogenetic Rela tionships among 7 Spec ies ofLac In sects( Homoptera: Tachardiidae) A Probe into the Mortality of Lac Insect Population and Improvement of the Mortality Formula Study on Comparative Anatomy of Bark of Seven Host Tree Species of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) and Its Parasitic Characteristics A Discussion on Indexes and Methods of Economic Evaluation of Lac Insect NEW LAC HOST——A STUDY ON PUERARIA WALLICHII DC. STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF SCHLEICHERA OLEOSA‘S PROPAGATION Studies on the Biological Community in Lac Plantation Discussion on the Natural Mortality and Its Mechanism of Lac Insect (Kerria lacca) Analysis on the Lac Quality Produced from the Chinese Common Host Tree of Kerria chinesis OBSERVATION ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF LAC INSECT (HOMOPTERA: KERRIIDAE) WITH SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE THE EFFECT OF GETTING RID OF FLOWER BUDS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROODLAC A Study on the Embryonic Developmentof Kerria chinensis An Investigation on the Pathogens of Both Lac Insects and Their Host Plants Rejuvenation and Utilization of Wild Ziziphus mauritiana A Study on the Adaptability Response between the Lac lnsect and lts Host Tree Analysis of Relationships among the Main Commercial Species of Lac Insects Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Study on the Major Host Plant Species of Lac Insect, Wax Scale and Gall Aphids The Radiation Experiment for Lac Insects Study on the Embryo Development of the Kusmi Strain of Kerria lacca Monopolization of honeydew sources by Crematogaster macaoensis and its effects on lac production.