PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS OF COLD TREATMENT ON Narcissus tazetta L. var. chinensis ROEM AND SHOOTS OCCURRENCE DIFFERENTIATION Biochemical Systematics of Gymnosperms (3)—On the Systematic Position of Tax aceae from Their Seed Protein Peptides and Needle Peroxidases Sequence analysis and function predication of poroxidase from Conocephalum conicum Fluctuations of Oxidase Activities and Carbon and Nitrogen Content during the Rooting Process of Sweet Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6’ Softwood Cuttings Effects of High Temperature on the Activity and Expression of Antioxidative Enzymes in Rice Flag Leaves during the Flowering Stage Experimental Identification of “Songlan” (Isatis indigotica) and Woad (I.tinctoria) Introduced into China Identification and Characterization of a Novel Lesion Mimic Mutant in Rice Polyamine Contents and Polyamine Oxidase Activities in Roots and Leaves of Two Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Cultivars with Contrary Salt Tolerance under Salt Stress 种壳对大麦种子生理和成熟胚培养的影响及机理探讨Ⅱ Changes of Enzymes and Proteins in Fritilaria thunbergii Miq.During the Proces of Exchange between New and Old Organs Study on Metabolism in Arctium lappa the Primary Stage of Germination Effects of Different Treatments on Hardwood-Cutting Rooting and Related Oxidase Activity Changes during Rooting of Corylus avellana Involvement of Hydrogen Peroxide Generated by Polyamine Oxidative Degradation in the Developmentof Lateral Roots in Soybean Effect of Mycorrhizal Infection on Respiration and Activities of Some Oxidase in Rhizome of Cymbidium sinense and C.ensifolium Responses of Four Different Pennisetum alopecuroides Germplasms to Cadmium Stress Changes in the Relevant Oxidases during Cutting Rooting of Corylus heterophylla and the Cutting Propagation Technique Experimental Identification of “Songlan” (Isatis indigotica) and Woad (I.tinctoria) Introduced into China A Gain-of-Function Mutation in IAA7/AXR2 Confers Late Flowering under Short-day Light in Arabidopsis Dynamic of Physiology and Biochemistry during Wild Rhododendron scabrifolium Cutting Propagation Analysis of Relevant Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Pinus massoniana During Cuttings Rooting STUDY ON THE COMPARISON OF THE CHANGES OF OXIDASE ACTIVITIES IN EUCALYPTUS CUTTINGS TREATED WITH DIFFERENT AUXINS A Review on Studies of Antioxidation of Chinese Materia Medica