Effect of the same amount of faba bean fresh straw returning with different ratios of chemical fertilizer on single cropping late rice. Impact of changes in land use and climate on the runoff in Liuxihe Watershed based on SWAT model. Effects of different land-use types on soil organic carbon and its prediction in the mountainous areas in the middle reaches of Lancang River. Land use and land cover change (LUCC) and landscape service: Evaluation, mapping and modeling. Comparative observation of diffuse radiation in Qianyanzhou during the spring of 2012. Spatial-temporal characteristics of land surface temperature in Tianshan Mountains area based on MODIS data. Effects of understory removal on soil greenhouse gas emissions in Carya cathayensis stands. Land use pattern change in Ejin Delta of Northwest China during 1930-2010. Effects of fertilization on the P accumulation and leaching in vegetable greenhouse soil. Effects of phosphorus fertilization on yield of winter wheat and utilization of soil nitrogen. Effects of superphosphate addition on NH3 and greenhouse gas emissions during vegetable waste composting. Effects of land-use conversion from double rice cropping to vegetables on CO2 and CH4 fluxes in southern China. Response of Chinese Wampee Axes and Maize Embryos to Dehydration at Different Rates Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa) Exhibits a Lower Photosynthetic Plasticity than Antarctic Hairgrass (D. antarctica) Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Diploid, Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheats Stomatal Density and Bio-water Saving Changes in Root Hydraulic Conductivity During Wheat Evolution Effect of Nitrogen Supply on the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of an Annual Herb, Helianthus annuus L. Photosynthetic, Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Tomato Plants to Polyethylene Glycol-Induced Water Deficit Seasonal Variation of 13C of Four Tree Species: A Biological Integrator of Environmental Variables Identification and Characterization of Phosphorus Use Efficiency in a Doubled Haploid Population of Chinese Spring×Lovrin No.10 Chemotaxonomic Relationship Between Murraya and Merrillia (Rutaceae) Responses of Photosynthetic Rate and Stomatal Conductance to Water Stress in Soybean Leaves Relation Between Desiccation Sensitivity and Membrane Permeability of Developing Clausena lansium Seeds Gas Exchange and Water Use Efficiency of Adenophora lobophylla (Campanulaceae) at Different Altitudes on the East Boundary of the Qing- Zang Plateau Detection of the Quantitative Trait Loci with AFLP and RFLP Markers for Phosphorus Uptake and Use Efficiency in Rice Spatio-temporal characteristics and driving force of land-use change in Beijing‘s ecological environs—A case study of Weichang County,Hebei Province Cultivated land change and farm household economic behavior response in gully region of loess hilly area Impact of tomato resistant rootstock on the root-knot and soil free-living nematodes dynamics and community composition Progress of ecological techniques being the source of sustainable high yield of crops—The inspiration from the high yield fields of wheat in Xiangride area of Qinghai Province after re-visiting Effects of land use changes on grain yield and environment—A case study from Shuangcheng City,Heilongjiang Province Studies on outbreak regularity of cucumber leafminer in greenhouse in Loess Plateau Effects of a long-term utilization of different base-fertilizers on soil environment in solar greenhouse Prospect of Dynamic Data Driven Application System in agricultural and environmental applications Regulated deficit irrigation and its application on fruit trees Dynamic analysis of arable land use via productivity sustainable index — A case study of Farm 45 Irrigation Area of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Effect of phosphorus application on growth of bitter Chinese lettuce and soil phosphorus leaching Effects of different plastic-film mulching techniques on maize (Zea mays L.) dry matter accumulation and yield Effects of plant polysaccharide compound agents on winter wheat photosynthetic characteristics and grain filling processes Relationship between landscape pattern and environmental factorsin Jiaodong mountain region -The case of Qixia City in Shandong Province Empirical research on impact of livelihood assets on environmental risk perception of massive pig-raising households Nitrogen balance in paddy fields under different rotation systems in the Taihu Lake Region Phosphorus loss and migration characteristics in paddy fields under different fertilization treatments Agricultural greenhouse gases emissions and influencing factors in China Building multi-scale EGLSN system and simulating cultivated land productivity Spatial characteristics of phosphorus flow in crop-livestock production systems in Shanxi, China Study on changes of land use and land cover based on RS and GIS technology Effects of conversion of evergreen broad-leaved forest to Chinese chestnut plantation on soil organic carbon pools. Greenhouse gas emissions and net carbon sequestration of “Grain for Green” Program in China. STUDY ON GENUS ZANTHOXYLUM L. FROM GANSU EFFECTS OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON DRY MATTER PRODUCTION AND WATER USE OF SPRINC WHEAT UNDER DIFFERENT SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS Effects of alternating temperature and time on diapause of Trichogramma dendrolimi THE BIONOMICS OF PEACH FRUIT BORER DAMAGED ON APRICOT TREE STUDIES ON THE DIAPAUSE CHARACTERISTICS OF ORIENTAL TABACCO BUDWORM 石刁柏花药培养再生植株的生根研究(Ⅱ) INDUCING FACTORS OF PUPAL DIAPAUSE IN HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA Characters of Leaf Epidermis in Hamamelidaceae (s. l.) Spatial variations of soil organic carbon and available microelement contents in interlaced area of vegetable lands and grain lands----A case study in Shouguang City, Shangdong Province Two Newly Recorded Genera of Compositae from China—Schmalhausenia C. Winkl. and Crupina Cass. Studies on the Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Photosynthetic Apparatuses in Azolla Effects of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics and growth of Coffea arabica L. at juvenile stage under drought stress Characteristics of soil organic carbon at 38°N ecological transect of Hebei Province Estimation of carbon balance under different land uses and long-term fertilizations in black soils of Northeast China Comparative study of nitrogen budget in three different vegetable planting patterns under greenhouse condition Empirical analysis of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in southern rice areas of China— Based on household survey data in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces Effect of reduced N application and soybean intercropping on soil N2O emission in sweet corn fields in South China Effects of row spacing and seeding rate on radiation use efficiency and grain yield of wheat Effect of combined nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer application of wheat-maize intercropping system Assessment of the impact of Grain for Green project on farmers‘ livelihood in the Loess Plateau Review of household ranch models New progress of land resources studies and related developmental tendencies in China Comprehensive analysis of emissions and global warming effects of greenhouse gases in winter-wheat fields in the high-yield agro-region of North China Plain Effects of fertilization and row spacing on microenvironment within population canopy and dry matter accumulation of waxy maize Effect of reducing fertilizer application on crop yield and nitrogen and phosphorus loss in runoff from embankment upland in Dongting Lake Region Flower induction and physiological response of Citrus reticulata "Shatangju" to low temperature under solar greenhouse condition Greenhouse gas emissions in double sequence pea-wheat rotation fields under different tillage conditions Planning quality analysis from the perspective of land use Analysis of daily dynamics of soil respiration rate in greenhouse vegetable fields Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in maize fields in China Effect of low nitrogen application and soybean intercrop on soil greenhouse gas emission of sugarcane field