A Stem Taper Model with Nonlinear Mixed Effects for Dahurian Larch Branch Dynamics for the Korean Pine Plantation Based on Linear Mixed Mode Height and Diameter Growth Modeling of Dahurian Larch Based on Nonlinear Mixed Model in Northeastern China Using Linear Mixed Model and Dummy Variable Model Approaches to Construct Generalized Single-Tree Biomass Equations in Guizhou Establishment of Tree Volume and Aboveground Biomass Equations for Masson Pine Plantation in Guizhou Province Individual Tree Diameter Increment Model for Chinese Fir Plantation Based on Two-Level Linear Mixed Effects Models Validation and Comparison of Two-Variable Tree Volume Tables for Larix spp. in Different Regions of China A METHOD OF SPACE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION NETWORK FOR PREDICTING SUITBILITY OF TREE SPECIES IN LARGE AREAS Linear mixed modeling of branch biomass for Korean pine plantation. Primary branch size of Pinus koraiensis plantation: A prediction based on linear mixed effect model. Branch growth of Korean pine plantation based on nonlinear mixed model. Establishment of Tree Height Growth Model Based on Mixed and Nlmixed of SAS Height-Diameter Relationship for Conifer Mixed Forest Based on Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Model The Basal Area Model of Mixed Stands of Larix olgensis, Abies nephrolepis and Picea jezoensis Based on Nonlinear Mixed Model One-dimensional model of delayed surface runoff in litter layers of broad-leaved korean pine forest Analysis of Crop Variety Regional Trials Based on Selection of Covariance Structures Modeling Wood Density with Two-Level Linear Mixed Effects Models for Dahurian Larch A site index model for Larix principisrupprechtii plantation in Saihanba, north China. Analysis the effect of region impacting on the biomass of domestic Masson pine using mixed model Effect of unsymmetrical cutting along both river slopes on rainstorm-runoff process Linear Mixed Model of Aerial Photo Crown Width and Ground Diameter Modeling Branch Length and Branch Angle with Linear Mixed Effects for Dahurian Larch Modeling Microibril Angle with Mixed Models for Dahurian Larch Modeling Branch Diameter with Linear Mixed Effects for Dahurian Larch

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