Selection of models and technologies of waste reutilization of Chinese materia medica based on ecological effects A retrospect and reflection on patent rights transfer in past 30 years since implementation of patent law: Taking Chinese materia medica industry as research sample Application of value engineering and innovative management of compound Chinese materia medica in industrialization Preparation technology for hydrogel cataplasm of Chinese materia medica in industrialization Honey-steam processing technology of Ploygonatum odoratum by multi-index comprehensive evaluation Extraction and purification technology for different extracts from Lamiophlomis rotata in industrialization Effect of salt dust storm migration pathways on degradation of Ebinur Lake Wetland Greenhouse Gas Inventory of industrial parks in China A review on urban metabolism: connotation and methodology Dynamics of the captured quantity of particulate matter by plant leaves under typical weather conditions Research on the simulation of eco-industry symbiosis system The Effects of Falling Dust of Strong Dust Storms on Beijing Soils Study on the Technique Development of Desertification Control and Sandy Desert Industry in Ningxia A Study on the Effect of Agroforestry on Environmental Quality Technical standards of traditional Chinese medicine Industry Analysis of problems and causes in industrial chain of traditional Chinese medicine Advances of Cymbidium hybridum Effects of coal dust deposition on seedling growth of Hedysarum laeve Maxim., a dominant plant species on Ordos Plateau Impacts of economic development models on ecosystem service values: a case study of three mountain villages in Middle Shandong, China Learning from the Development of Dutch EoL Concrete Recycling Industry Spatial pattern and influencing factors of carbon dioxide emissions efficiency of tourism in China A logistic model for the stability of a symbiotic system for the coal and electricity industries From system to landscape: the other orientation of regional material flow analysis A summary of study on ecological restoration technology of large coal bases construction in China A STUDY OF THE IRRADIATION OF SAWDUST CULTURE MEDIUM AND THE YIELD OF FRESH LENTINUS Ecological risk assessment of heavy and energy sources industry compound biome in Shanxi Province Advances of Cymbidium hybridum Effects of Increasing Phosphate and Potassium Fertilizers on the Control of Cymbidium Anthracnose DISCUSSION ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION OF SPACE-BREEDING LAND Evolution mechanism of eco-industrial symbiosis network and its analytical
Enhance technique researches on Glycyrrhiza industries, promote three-dimensional rural economic development in Three-north areas STUDY ON INDUSTRIAL PROCESS ON COMMERCIAL ORGANIC FETILIZERS The Current Situation and Developing Strategy of Chinese Grassland Industry A Brief Discussion on China’s Forage Industry and Technology Implementing the Scientific Development View,Exerting the Multifunction of Grass Industry Study of the Short-time Eco-physiological Response of Plant Leaves to Dust Alfalfa science research by Chinese scholars since 1950: history and main topics Intensive utilization of land in Tiexi old industrial district, Shenyang, Northeast China. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving forces of land use change in industrial relocation area: A case study of old industrial area in Tiexi of Shenyang, Northeast China. Eco-fitness of county-level agricultural leading industry structure: Assessment and development prediction. Progress and perspectives of industrial ecology: a critical review Emergy synthesis of the dynamics of the Shunde industrial system Evaluation and Selection of Broad Leaved Tree Species for Fast-Growing Industrial Plantation in Southwest Zhejiang On the Thinning Scheme for Industrial Timber Stands of Slash Pine and Loblolly Pine Study on the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide and Techniques of Monitoring Ⅲ.Controlling Dendrolimus punctatus by the Aerial Equipment of Dusting Powder Plantation Fertilization-Basic Technical Measures for Short-Rotation Industrial Plantation Management Supporting of Potential Forage Production to the Herbivore-based Pastoral Farming Industry on the Loess Plateau Application of value engineering and innovative management of compound Chinese materia medica in industrialization Pesudostellariae Radix industry status and development countermeasures The Impact of Flower Certif ica tion on the Developmentof Chinese Flora l Industry Soil Ecological Management of Cultivated Bamboo Stand The Development Tendency of the Industrialization and Culture Techniques of Eucommia ulmoides in China Development and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine processing discipline and Chinese herbal pieces industry Chinese medicine industry 4.0:advancing digital pharmaceutical manufacture toward intelligent pharmaceutical manufacture Production of castoff from process in Chinese materia medica resources industrialization as well as resource utilization strategies and modes Establishment of non-aqueous biotransformation system and its application in castoff from Chinese materia medica industrilization

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