Harvest and Danger of Complex Rotation to Larix olgensis Industrial Plantation Report on the Reform of Collective Forest Property Right System and Forest Industry Development in Liaoning Province Analysis and Measuration on Frangibility of Forestry Industrial System Based on Operational Efficiency Evaluation Study on Dust Monitoring Technology Using Lidar Weather Condition Analysis on Dust Events of Ulanbuh Desert HACCP quality control mode in pollution-free Chinese herbal medicine production Research of typical EIPs based on the social network analysis An approach for analyzing resources metabolism of industrial ecosystems Anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of Hanshan County in Anhui Province Analysis of a dust case using lidar in Shanghai Eco-agriculture Industrialization in China Taking the ways of combination of eco-agriculture with agricultural industrialization The industrial utilization is the essential way to solve the problem of agricultural stalks Study on the development strategies of Chinese chestnut industrilization in Huairou District in Beijing Potential and countermeasures of development of alfalfa industry in desert Oasism A case study from M inqin desert Oasis in Gansu Province Analysis on ecological footpIlint and development strategy of clover blossom in westward of China Integration of scientific research,tourism and exploitation into the concept and management of botanical gardens—A case study of Xinglong botanical garden Temporal Variation in Dust Deposition in the Xilin River Basin The Response of Stomas of Woody Plants on Areas of Different Polluted Types Sustainable development of Xinjiang River watershed ecosystem in Jiangxi Province Assessment of the overall arrangement of urban modern agriculture industry in Beijing using location quotient technique Patterns of urban circular agriculture based on agricultural industries — A case study of Fangshan District of Beijing City Recycle agriculture pattern from extension industry chain in Henan Province Technical system of rational land use and deserticulture in desert oasis — A case study of Minqin Oasis Reconstructing and upgrading of Chinese eco-agriculture oriented to circular economy Development patterns of regional eco-agriculture in Shandong Province The development countermeasures of meat sheep industrilization in our country Discussion on principles of circular economy Review of the current situation of coastal ecological engineering using dredged marine sediments and prospects for potential application in China Static toxicity evaluation of chemical wastewater by PFU microbial communities method Leaf surface microstructure of Ligustrum lucidum and Viburnum odoratissimum observed by Atomic force microscopy (AFM) In vitro Propagation of Senecio cineraria cv. Silver Dust Effects of Air Pollution on the Growth of 35 Garden Plants Study on key technology in the industrialized production of Bacillus subtilis Bs-916,the rice sheath blight control agent Study on the Initial Planting Density of Industrial Timber Stands of Slash Pine and Loblolly Pine Research on Statistic Model for Sand and Dust Storm Forecasting Key Technology Study on Oncidium Industrial Propagation by Tissue Culture Analysis of Forest Land Area Change and Driving Factors in the Forest Industry Region of Heilongjiang Province Spatial Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of Compound Forest Product Value Chain:An Analysis Framework Based on System Theory Maximum Dust Retention of Main Greening Trees in Arid Land Oasis Cities, Northwest China Research on Wood Industrial Discharge Capacity Estimation and Pollution Load Based on Generation and Discharge Coefficient Study on sustainable development of industy of ethnic medicine in minority area Study on technology of aseptic sowing and rapid propagation of Demdrobium officinale Ecological and physiological effects of dusting pollution on vegetation Advances and the effects of industrial hemp for the cleanup of heavy metal pollution Morphological structure of leaves and dust-retaining capability of common street trees in Guangzhou Municipality Assessment indicator system of eco-industry in mining area Eco-management benefit analysis of industrial resources from life cycle perspective:a case study of a virtual symbiosis network Analysis on competitive power of the agricultural product processing industry from Gansu province A STUDY ON THE DENSITY CONTROLLING TECHNIQUE OF LARIX OLGENSIS INDUSTRIAL PLANTATION SYSTEM SIMULATION OF WANGQING FORESTRY BUREAU IN OVERCUTTING FOREST AREA,NORTHEAST CHINA STUDY ON PLANTING PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS WITH SAWDUST OF CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA The Strategy System of Jiangsu Forestry Industry Restructuring The coupling mechanism and industrialization mode of ecological restoration in the weak semi arid mining area of Inner Mongolia Definition and evaluation indicators of ecological industrial park’s complex eco-efficiency Debates in research and practice of eco-industrial park in China: the utilization of metaphor Substance flow analysis (SFA): A critical review Pollution-ecological problems of old industrial and mining areas and future research prospects Emergy evaluation of power plant eco-industrial park Simulating the effect of climate on the dust storm frequency in Mu Us Sandland, north China The frontiers of urban ecological research in industrial transformation Tissue Culture and Industrialized Seedling Production of Cinnamomum camphora Trees with High Content of Borneo Camphor Advances in the research of physiological significances and genetic regulation of lignin metabolism Industry composes assessment of agro-ecosystem in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region of North Shaanxi APPROACHING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTED FORESTS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF FOREST PLANTATION INDUSTRY A STUDY ON DUSTPROOF EFFECT OF AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM Study on the Ecological Functions of Sixty-five Garden Species in Wuhan City, China Evaluation of Sustainability Based on Emergy Analysis in Ecological Economic System of Grassland Industry Effect of Different Foliar Dust Contents on Reflectance Spectroscopy of Euonymus japonicus Study on in vitro fast-propagation and industrialization breeding techniques of triploid Chinese white poplar Some worries about Dendrobium officinale industry Policy recommendations based on SWOT analysis for agricultural industrialization of traditional Chinese medicinal materials——a case study of Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis from Jianhe county in Guizhou province Analysis on the International Competitiveness of Chinese Forestry Industry Based on the Porter Theory Desertification Control Regionalization and Rehabilitation Countermeasures of Source Area of the Sand and Dust Endangering Beijing-Tianjin A Research to the Industrialization of Straw-Based Panel Evaluation of Investment Economic Revenue and Confirmation of the Best Economic Cutting Cycle of Industrial Raw Material Forest Eucalyptus Growth and Wood/Bark Properties of Abies faxoniana Seedlings as Affected by Elevated CO2 Progress in the research of phytoremediation technology of polluted soil Reasonable exploitation of climatic resources to develop vegetable industry in Guangzhou Development situation of urban agriculture and its regulating direction of industrial structure of Guangzhou City

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