On the change of industrial economy and trend of knowledgezation and ecologilization of modern industrial structure There is plenty of opportunities for developing green industrial Coordinated development tactics of agriculture and environment in ecological vulnerable region International practice of coordinated development of economy and environment and its inspiration to China A study on the patterns of development of ecoeconomic system in mountain districts Protection effect of salt damage by coastal windbreak forest Concept of system productivity and its significance in ecological reconstruction of pasture and agriculture transitional zone in China Vulnerability analysis of symbiotic network in Eco-industrial parks Influence of dust stress on the photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Pistacia vera L. Environmental performance index for eco-industrial park development in China The industrial water footprint of several typical cotton textiles in China Study on the Countermeasure of Regulating and Optimizing Forest Industry Construction in State-Owned Forest Region of Heilongjiang Province Three Modes Involved in Forest Carbon Cycle: Mechanism and Selection Empirical Analysis on Determinants and International Competitiveness of China‘s Wood-Based Panel Industry in Post-Crisis Era Significant demand and key problems of membrane science and technology applying to pharmaceutical industry of Chinese materia medica Evaluate of international competitiveness of Chinese materia medica industrialization in China Potential and Prospect of Developing Protein-Feed Resources of Woody Plants in Yunnan Province Analysis on the Industrial Structure Evolutions and Its Differences of the Forest Economic Growth from 1995 to 2011 of 13 Provinces (Autonomous Regions) in the Southern Collective Forest Region of China Establishment of industry promotion technology system in Chinese medicine secondary exploitation based on “component structure theory” Chinese Sanqi industry status and development countermeasures Evolution, characteristics and enlightenment of self-innovation of traditional Chinese medicine industry Several important scientific issues in the development of China’S eco-agriculture at the present time Agricultural resources superiority and characteristic agricultural industrialization in West China Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China The countermeasures of developing safe agricultural products. Dust absorption effect of urban conifers in Northeast China TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY AND CARRYING CAPACITY IN NORTHEAST CHINA Ecological misunderstanding,integrative approach,and potential industries in circular economy transition A system dynamic model about the impact of rural industry on agroecosystems in southern Jiangsu Province Resource enhancement of arkshell(Scapharca(Anadara) broughtonii) in Shandong offshore waters The Spatial Structures and the Dust Retention Effects of Green-land Types in the Workshop District of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company The current situation and prospect of the study on industrial ecology Changes of eco-capacity and ecological sustainability in the north Tianshan Mountains region: taking Fukang county as a case of study A DISCUSSION ON THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE OF UTILIZATION OF AMORPHOPHALLUS KONJAC AND ITS DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Exploitation and Utilization of Plant Resources of Rubus L.in Jigongshan National Nature Reserve in Xinyang City,Henan Province Order Degree Calculation and Optimization on Forestry Industrial Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Markov Quadratic Programming Model Effect Analysis and Forming of Plywood Industry Clusters in China Retrospect and prospect of industrial ecology Spatio-temporal dynamics and optimal development scale of cotton industry in Xinjiang Sulphur accumulation of 41 plants nearby the ceramic industry area Particle size distribution and pollution impacts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in street dusts from a stream network town Effects of Main Urban lanscape Plants on Dust Blocking in Foshan Environmental impact analyses of noise from Nanjiang Industrial Estate in Guangdong Province Analysis of the ecological environmental impact on Nanjiang Industrial Estate building in Guangdong Province Damages of sand-dust storm and their control through agricultural measures Nitrogen metabolism in industrial parks: a case of Yixing economic development zone THE TEST OF CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATION AND MICRONUCLEUS ON THE MITOSIS OF ROOT TIP OF ALLIUM CEPA CAUSED BY INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT THE AFFECTION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT ON THE NUCLEAR STRUCTURE OF TIP CELLS IN ALLIUM CEPA Study on the Sustainable Development Criteria System and Measurement for Heilongjiang Forest Industrial Region CONTROLLABILITY OF LINEAR FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH COMMUNICATION CONSTRAINS STUDY ON EFFECTS OF ELECTROSTATIC DUSTING BY USING DIFFERENT HIGH VOLTAGES Industry chain construction of Chinese materia medica Development with questions and suggestions for medicinal plant extract industry in China Current situation and constructive tactics for innovation system of Chinese materia medica indu Distribution and heavy metal character of foliar dust on roadside tree Sophora japonica of urban area in Beijing The estimation and application of the water footprint in industrial processes Resources metabolism analysis for the pulp and paper industry in Wuhan, China Safety assessment and empirical analysis on Chinese materia medica industry in China Functional orientation of eco-economic regions in the Loess Plateau Analysis on effect of high molecular weight glutenin subunits on industrial quality of wheat THE STUDIES ON TISSUE CULTURE AND THE PROCEDUE OF RAPID PROPAGATIONOF INDUSTRIALIZATION IN STRELITZIA REGINAE Refining climate regionalization of cotton in the Northern Slope Economic Zone of Tianshan Mountain Theory and practice of recycle agriculture in China Revitalizing Chinese eco-agriculture through bioenergy industrial development Spatial-temporal variations in eco-service values of pond aquaculture in Shanghai Development and security of follow-up industries in returned farmland to forest/grass lands in Western Region of Shanxi Province Strategic thought for sustainable agriculture development and industrialization in Northeast China System dynamics simulation and adjustment on environment system of energy and heavy chemical industrial park Characters of forage resources and the development of pastoral industry in the farming-pastoral zone of the Songnen Plain STUDIES ON CLOUDY-DUSTING IN PLASTIC TUNNEL The Contribution Rate Analysis: Economic Increment from Scientific and Technological Innovation to Forest Management Industry A Sustainable Approach to Developing Nontimber Forest Production through the Application of Novel and Advanced Technology The Application Prospects of Artificial Neural Network in the Wood Industries Strengthen Forest Cultivation, Develop the Northeast Traditional Forestry Base of China Research on technological hot spots of Chinese materia medica patent operation based on co-occurrence network Study on policy mechanism of waste reutilization in process of Chinese materia medica industrialization Patent strategy of Chinese materia medica industry in process of modernization Research and development of Chinese medicinal resources of elk and thoughts on its resources industrialization Research on preparation of arctigenin from Arctii Fructus Establishment of a rapid method to evaluate ultrafiltration membrane aperture for pharmaceutical industry

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