Studies on the Chemical Constituentε of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms Determination of mannitol in FUFANG CHONGCAO KELI(compound cordyceps granule) by colorimetry Determination of Mannitol in Dongchongxiacao (Cordyceps sinensis)? by Colorimetric Method ENHANCING EFFECT OF MANNITOL ON NITROGEN FIXATION ACTIVITY IN ANABAENA UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS ENHANCING EFFECT OF MANNITOL ON NITROGEN-FIXING ACTIVITY OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ANABAENA 7120 UNDER NaCI STRESS Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis muscicola Maxim. Study on quality of medicinal material of Thesium chinense Studies on the Active Constituents of Commelina communis L. Studies on the Active Antisenile Constituents in Cistanche deserticola Y. C. Ma Effects of Sucrose and Mannitol in washing medium on microspore embryogenesis in Chinese cabbage [Brassica rapa L .ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson] Methylation-sensitive Amplified Polymorphism Analysis of DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis Under Mannitol Treatment A new secoiridoid glycoside from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Changes of Endogenous ABA Content in Relevance to the Vigor of Peanut Seeds Study on chemical constituents from Ixora chinensis A Study on Quality Standard for Herba Cistanches Optimization of damp-proof excipients for Gushuling Granules Factors Influencing Formation of Sclerotia in Grifola umbellate (Pers.) Pilát Under Artificial Conditions EFFECT OF MANNITOL ON THE CELLS OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Study on chemical constituents from Ixora chinensis The effects of mannitol and AgNO3 for perennial ryegrass transformation
mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Effects of Mannitol Pretreatment on Androgenesis of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) In vitro conservation of Impatiens mengtzeana Effects of mannitol and 6-BA on the activity of peroxidase and IAA oxidase in cells of Oryza sativa Isolation and Expression of Mannitol Dehydrogenase Gene in Celery Isolation and Expression of Mannitol Dehydrogenase Gene in Celery

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