Standard of Teak Stump And Its Economic Benefit STORING TECHNIQUE OF THE TEAK STUMP Studies on Pretreatments and Techniques for Quick Germination of Teak Fruit A Study on the Germination Physiology of Teak Fruit Genetic Improvement of Teak (Tectona grandis) in China Study on the Morphology and Anatomy of Drought Resistance of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f) Provenances Provenance Test on Growth Evaluation of Teak in Honghe Evaluation on Aggregate Genetic Value of Main Characters of Provenances of Teak Relationship between Teak Seedling Density and Seedling Yield and Quality Test of Acid and Aluminum-tolerance of Teak Clones WOOD PROPERTIES OF TEAK GROWING IN HAINAN ISLAND Site Classification and Evaluation of Teak Forests in Hainan Island Selection of Teak Provenances for Rust (Oliva tectonae) Resistance In Vitro Pollen Germination of Teak (Tectona grandis) Effect of Gibberellin on Germination of Teak