Structural Association of Endoplasmic Reticulum with Other Membrane Systems in Populus deltoides Apical Bud Cells and Its Alterations During the Short Day-induced Dormancy 杏品种一年生休眠枝,花,幼果抗寒的相关分析 EFFFCT OF THE COLD HARDINESS OF PLANT LOW TEMPERATURE RPOTECTION AGENT ON TONIATO SEEDLINGS Change of the Leaf Tissue Structure of Evergreen Broad-leaf Plants duringOverwintering Electron Microscopic Cytochemical Studies on the Glycoproteins in Cellular Membranes of Winter Wheat Seedlings with Concanavalin A-Horseradish Peroxidase Method Electron microscopic observation on mitochondria of an especial cold-hardened plant in winter THE DISTRIBUTION ON GLYCOPROTEINS LAYER AT THE CELL SURFACE IN THE LEAVES OF WHEAT DURING COLD HARDENING The cold resistance of two winter wheat cultivars appraised by the freezing method in a experiment room Rapid cold hardening of Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, and its ecological cost ON THE OVERWINTERING AND COLD-HARDINESS OF THE VEGETABLE LEAFMINER LIRIOMYZA SATIVAE BLANCHARD ON THE COLD HARDINESS OF COTTON BOLL WORM POPULATIONS FROM XINJIANG UYGUR AUTONOMOUS REGION Comparison of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics Related to Cold Resistance in Sugarcane under Field Conditions GENETIC VARIATION AND FAMILY SELECTION ON COLD HARDINESS OF CHINESE FIR SEEDLINGS Research Progress in Insect Cold Hardines Winter Injury Index and Lethal Low Temperature for Introducted AmericanAlmond in Lanzhou, China Studies on Young Spike Differentiation of Wheat and Heterosis of Winter Hardinesss THE INFLUENCES OF SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT ON EMERGENCE AND COLD HARDINESS OF DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL POPULATIONS OF COTTON BOLLWORM Relation between Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Frost Hardiness in Stems and Needles of Pinus bungeana A study on the relationship between the pod, seed development and the occurrence of
seed hardiness of Melissttus ruthenicus
Cold Hardiness and Its Relationship with the VRN1 Genotypes in Wheat Varieties in the Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valley Region of China Relation between frost hardiness and parameters of electrical impedance spectroscopy in saplings of different development stage of Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolica Litv. CHANGE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND RESPONSE TO LOW WATER POTENTIAL OF EVERGREEN TREE SPECIES IN THE PROCESS OF HIBERNATION Screening Cold Hardy Genetype of Xinjiang Local Apricot Variety‘Shushanggan’in China Screening Cold Hardy Genetype of Xinjiang Local Apricot Variety‘Shushanggan’in China Mechanisms underlying the effects of fall dormancy on the cold acclimation and winter hard- iness of Medicago sativa The Influence of CaCl2 on the Frost Hardiness and Electrical Impedance Parameters in Stems of Ligustrum vicaryi During Hardening STUDIES ON HARDINESS OF APRICOT FLOWERS AND YOUNG FRUITS Assessing Frost Hardiness of Malus sieversii Natural Populations by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy The investigation for botanical characters, berry quality and plant resistance of introduced America wine grapes grown in Beijing Seasonal changes of cold hardiness of the green lacewing, Chrysoperla sinica (Tjeder) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Relation Between Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Frost Hardiness in Shoots of Apple Rootstocks Relation Between Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Frost Hardiness in Shoots of Apple Rootstocks Optimized Method for Detecting the Cold Hardiness of Grape Dormant Bud by Low Temperature Exotherms(LTE)Analysis and Its Utilization Electron Microscopic Cytochemical Study of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase Activity During Gold Acclimation of Wheat Seedlings Studies on Microtubule Cold Stability in Relation to Plant Cold Hardiness STUDY ON CHANGES OF EITHER CHLORINE CONTENT OR MEMBRANE PERMEABILITY OF LEAVES WITH SEASONS AND HARDINESS OF TREES Research progress on the mechanism of improving plant cold hardiness The Cold Hardiness Location of Bambusoideae in China Evaluation of root and bud cold hardiness of wine grape varieties based on temperatureinjury relation. A study on the cold hardiness of the beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua THE CHANGE IN CARBOHYDRATE CONTENT AND PROTECTING ENZYME ACTIVITIES IN ROOT OF ALPINE FORAGE RELATED TO ITS ADAPTATION TO COLD IN SPRING Cold hardiness and the strategies of Ostrinia furnacalis survival at supercooled temperature Cold hardiness of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua The cold hardiness in the different geographic populations of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION OF COLD HARDINESS OF PINUS ARMANDI The Effect of S-3307 on the Vegetative Growth, Blossoming and Bearing Fruit in Oil-tea Tree ANATOMY OF THE LEAVES AND FREEZING HARDINESS OF THIRTEEN SPECIES OF MAGNOLIACEAE Using Differential Thermal Analysis to Analyze Grape Buds Cold Hardiness of 8 Rootstocks and 6 Cultivars STUDY ON COLD HARDINESS OF EVERGREEN MAGNOLIACEAE Overwintering Characteristics and Cold-Hardiness of Biotype of Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) on Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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