K+ retention in leaf mesophyll, an overlooked component of salinity tolerance mechanism: A case study for barley Protect effects of Qingkailing injection on mitochondrion membrane potential during injury induced by hypoxia-hypoglycemia and reoxygenation in cultured rat hippocampal neurons Inducement of Oridonin Injection to SGC-7901 cell apoptosis and its mechanisms Study on apoptosis effect induced by isothiocyanates in Broccoli on HepG-2 cells and its mechanism Redox System of Plasma Membrane with Glutathione as an Electron Donor Relationship between membrane potential, plasma membrane H+-Pump and H+ release by rice root under ammonium nutrition Effect of PUVA on mitochondrial membrane potential in apoptosis of K562 and NB4 leukemia cells Effect of Qinglongyi polysaccharide on sialic acid level, ATPase activity, and membrane potential in erythrocytes of S_(180) mice Cytotoxicity of lvbingquejuzhi and its derivative to Spodoptera litura cells Antiproliferative effects mechanism of β-sitosterul in hepatoma HepG2 cells Protective effects and machanism of muskone on pheochromocytoma cell injure induced by glutamate Effect of terpene penetration enhancer and its mechanisms on membrane fluidity and potential of HaCaT keratinocytes Protective effect of protocatechuic acid on midbrain dopaminergic neurons injured by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium Studies on mechanism of myricetin-induced apoptosis in humanhepatocellular carcinoma HepG-2 cells Effects of Apocynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson on Cardiac Electric and Mechanical Activity Impact of Dehydration Stress on the Apoplasts and the Micro-environment of Cells in the Leaves of Forsythia suspensa and Euonymus japonicus

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