Landscape stability and its pattern transition in Jinghe watershed Quantitative characteristics of soil aggregates under different vegetations in upper reach of Minjiang River Disturbing effects of tourism on species diversity in Pinus taiwanensis communities Organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in an aquatic soil as influenced by agricultural land uses in the Northern China Plain Analysis of factors affecting cyanobacteria bloom in a tropical reservoir (Tangxi Reservoir,China) Insect community diversity and abundance in diversified pine forests Analysis of ecological benefit of ecological restoration of aquatic-terrestrial everglade from stability of ecological system Growth Variation and Stability Analysis of Birch Crossbreed Families Resistance selection and resistance stability by several insecticides to Aphis gossypii Glover Studies on Stability for Parameters in Height-diameter Curve of Chinese Fir Anmylsis on Effect and Stability of the Regional Test of Populus × euramericana Clones Selection of Fine Provenance of Masson Pine for Afforestation Regions Studies on Germplasm Conservation of Lily ( Lilium L. ) by Restricting Growth Method Transgene Stability of Transgenic Populus nigra and Its Effects on Soil Microorganism The study on stability and resilience in different stages of grassland desertification process Crystallography,morphology,and thermal properties of starch inFritillaria thunbergii andF.ussurensis as well as comparison with potato starch Stahility of ligustilide and its β-cyclodextrin inclusion process Stability of ferulic acid and its existing form in Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis Chemical unstability and pharmacological activity of hyperforin Effect of quality of dispersing solutions on soil aggregates stabilities during the wet-sieving test Stability of cantharidin and cantharidic acid in Mylabris aqueous solution Preparation and in vitro dissolution of magnolol solid dispersion Preparation of 1′-acetoxychavicol acetate submicron emulsion and investigation of its properties Quality evaluation of Eriobotryae Folium collected during different harvest and study on its stability Analysis and Characterization of Dimensional Stability and Crystallinity of Heat-Treated Larix spp. Natural Development Pattern of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations in Loess Hilly Region Prescription of triptolide nanometer liposomes and its preparation technology Stability of multiple components in Er-Zhi-Wan (water honey pills) by UPLC-Q/TOF-MS Preparation and characterization of sustained release microcapsules of grape polyphenols with porous cornstarch, alginate sodium, and chitosan Classification of Male Sterile Cytoplasm of CMS-P in Maize (Zea mays everta) Quality Performance and Stability of Main Wheat Cultivars in Sichuan Province