Community stability evaluation of riparian forest of the upper reaches of Wenyuhe in Shanxi, China Effects of clipping and fertilizing on the relationships between species diversity and ecosystem functioning and mechanisms of community stability in alpine meadow Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen addition on soil carbon stability in southern subtropical experimental forest ecosystems The eco-functions of ecological protection techniques of riverbank Temporal and spatial variability of sward N yield patterns Effect of organic materials and inorganic N on water stability of aggregates in cultivated black soil Dynamical system model with predation risk in patchy habitats and its numerical simulation research Stability analysis of glucosinolate content in double low rapeseed in Shaanxi Province Study on petunia red pigment Genotype and environment effects on farinograms of winter wheat variety Study of character stability and increase-rate of bio-active constituents in chosen clones of Eucommia ulmoides The Research of the Edible Pigment of Inflorescence of Tagetes erecta L. and Its Stability Establishment and Characterization of Haploid Suspension Cells in Supersweet Maize Development of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Test Guideline for New Variety of Job’s tears Consistency and stability of Yinzhihuang Injection based on HPLC fingerprints Diversity of dsRNA mycoviruses in Magnaporthe oryzae and correlation relationship of the mycoviruses and biological characters of their host strain QSP5 Efficient Micropropagation of Japanese Photinia [Photinia glabra (Thumb.) Maxim.] Retaining Genetic and Epigenetic Stability Diversity and stability of peanut kernel quality in different ecological regions of Shandong Province Effects of biodiversity on functions and stability of ecosystem Stability of resistance to Cry1Ac and its effects on relative fitness in Helicoverpa armigera Amplifying stability and genetic diversity of microsatellite loci in codling moth Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) populations in China Sensitivity of Phytophthora capsici to mandipropamid and its cross resistance with other fungicides Effect of adding acetic acid on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of mixed oat and alfalfa silage in Tibet Effects of salt stress on the growth, antioxidant ability and salt stress protein of Calendula officinalis Review for effect of Lactobacillus buchneri on the silage Studies on in Vitro Conservation of Chrysanthemum yoshinaganthum Establishment of Rapid Propagation System and Molecular Identification of Genetic Stability on Lonicera macranthoides Evaluation of Yield and Stability of Spring Chinese Cabbage Varieties withRank Analysis Method in Regional Trials Cryopreservation of In Vitro Shoot Tips of Potato by Droplet Vitrification and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlets Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant Preparation of 1′-acetoxychavicol acetate submicron emulsion and investigation of its properties Determination of safflor yellow A by RP-HPLC and resources quality comparison in Carthamus tinctorius Inclusion constant of β-CD and paeonol measured by phase solubility method Stability analysis of mine ecological industrial symbiotic system Investigation of processing technology and stability of zedoary turmeric oil-β-cyclo dextrin inclusion compound Studies on stability of JIAWEI NAOLEJING ORAL LIQUOR Low temperature conservation of Dioscorea bulbifera microtuber and genetic stability of its germination seedling Radical Scavenging Activities and Stability of Mung bean(Vigna radiata) and Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Accessions QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS ON SUCCESSION MODELS FOR DOMINANT SPECIES IN ECOSYSTEM STUDIES ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE CLOSEDFOREST ON THE STRUCTURE, DIVERSITYAND STABILITY OF INSECT COMMUNITY Redundancy of plant and it‘s ecological significance Ⅰ. studies on growth redundancy of aquatic macrophyte A COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS OF VARIETY STABILITY METHODS Studies on Stability of Spreading Resistance to Scab (Gibberella Zeae (Schw.)Petch) in Varieties of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Community Structure, Soil Water Dynamics and Community Stability of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica Plantation in Horqin Sandy Land Regional Test of Poplar Clones in Section Aigeiros Advances in Influence Factors of Aggregate Stability under Erosion Preliminary Research of Castanopsis hystrix and Betula alnoides Plantation Wood Applied in Furniture and Decoration Community Structure Characteristics of Tropical Montane Rain Forests with Different Regeneration Types in Jianfengling Theoretical Investigation on Structure and Property of Abietic Acids in Rosin REDUNDANCY STRUCTURE IN PHYTOCOENOSIUMS AS AN EXPLANATION OF ECOSYSTEM STABILITY PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA: Ⅳ. EFFECTS OF SAMPLE SIZE ON DIVERSITY MEASURES PARADIGM SHIFT IN ECOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW Advances in Research on Anthocyanins of Blueberry Screening of Strains with the High Activity and Thermostability Nattokinase by 60Co γ-ray Irradiation Stability evaluation of ecosystem on Honghu Lake wetlands Screening of a straw cellulose-degrading fungi QSH3-3 and study on its characteristics of cellulase production Genetic Differences and Stability of Wood Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Pulpwood in Different Environments Compatible stability of reduning injection with solvents Study on stability of oridonin solution

Study on factors affecting mucosal permeability of gardenia extract Obtaining and Genetic Stability of Chinese Cabbage–Cabbage Translocation Lines with Fragment of Cabbage Chromosome 8 A COMPREHENSIVE GROWTH MODEL WITH STATISTICALLY STABLE PARAMETERS Debates in research and practice of eco-industrial park in China: the utilization of metaphor Progress in researches on plant functional groups of terrestrial ecosystems Analysis of characteristics and stability of peanut yield in different ecological regions of Shandong Province ANALYSIS ON GENOTYPE × ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS
DIRECT ORGANOGENESIS OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS OF Sedum aizoon L. AND ANALYSIS OF GENETIC STABILITY IN REGENRATED PLANTLETS BY RAPD EFFECT OF LEAD POLLUTION ON GROWTH, INORGANIC ION DISTRIBUTION AND Pb ACCUMULATION OF Festuca arundinacea THE EFFECTS OF GENOTYPE,ENVIRONMENT AND THEIR INTERACTION ON WHEAT QUALITY THE SELECTION BREEDING OF EXCELLENT CLONES OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA——AN EVALUATION OF PRODUCTIVITY, GENETIC STABILITY AND ADAPTABILITY GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION AND GENOTYPIC STABILITY OF ULMUS PUMILA Study on the Interaction of Genotype-Environment of the Block Locust’s Clones——Evaluation of the Genetic Stability and Growth Adaptability Study on the Genotypic Stability and Grown Adaptability of Paulownia Clones Study on the Genotypic Stability in Loblolly Pine Identification of QTL for Rice Starch RVA Profile Properties under Different Ecological Sites Evaluating Uniformity and Stability of Wheat Cultivars Based on Ratio of Homozygous DNA Locus Optimizing the culture conditions and determining the stability of antibiotic secretion by Polygonum viviparum of the endophytic bacteria Bacillus mojavensis Ecological and productive succession process of a cultivated alfalfa grassland community on Loess Plateau Characteristics of new forage rice and effects of additives on its silage quality Effects of Long-Term Variability of Plant Species and Functional Groups on Stability of a Leymus chinensis Community in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia