Studies on the Relationship between the Range of Seeding Dates and the Yield Stability of Some New Octoploid Triticale cultivars STUDIES ON THE FITNESS BETWEEN BLAST RACES AND RICE VARIESTIES AND HORIZONTAL RESISTANCE Amplifying stability and genetic diversity of microsatellite loci in different Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) populations in China Clinical study on treatment of carotid atherosclerosis with extraction of Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma et Radix and Crataegi Fructus:a randomized controlled trial Stability of akebia saponin D in gastrointestinal contents of rats Research on genetic stability to American ginseng introduced into China for 30 years Quality evaluation and stability investigation of asarone submicro emulsion injection 采用高压液相色谱法测定了双黄连气雾剂中绿原酸与黄芩甙的含量,应用恒温加速实验法探讨了双黄连气雾剂的化学动力学过程,预测其稳定性,实验结果与留样观察法相近,同时对双黄连在降解过程中pH的变化进行了考察。 Stability Examination of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound of Zingiber officinale Volatile Oil Studies on stability of PUERARIN INJECTION based on changes of different act ive principles in preparation Studies on the Stability of Ligustilide and the Analysis of Its Isomerized Products by GC-MS Stability of physical state on compound hawthorn dropping pills
Physicochemical stability and purification technology ofcaffeic acid tetramer from Arnebia euchroma tudy on physicochemical properties and influence factors on stability of breviscapine Study on stability and degradation kinetics of ketoprofen-paeonol conjugate Stability analysis of allelopathic effects of Panax notoginseng on main crops by AMMI model Effects of lucerne-crop rotation patterns on soil aggregate stabilityand soil organic carbon Neimark-Sacker bifurcation behavior of predator-prey system with piecewise constant arguments Community stability analysis for the oak-pine mixed forest in Qinling Mountains Analysis of yield stability and test site representativeness of sugarcane trials using combined AMMI and HA-GGE biplot models Effects of land abandonment on soil aggregate and organic carbon stability in cold waterlogged paddy fields Stability of Daqinggou forest cmmunities STABILITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE ENERGY FLOW OF THE PUWA AGRO-ECOSYSTEM Stability of alfalfa and wheatgrass pasture under dry farming in a pastoral agronomy area The phenotypic traits and molecular genetic variation of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) cultivars and breeding lines Effects of nitrogen addition on the physical properties of soil in an alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Effect of lucerne-crop rotations on soil physical properties in the semiarid Loess Plateau of Central Gansu Relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and individual plant and their effects on plant productivity and species diversity of plant community Determination and comparison of community stability in different legume-grass mixes Agronomic trait variation of some main orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) cultivars in China Genetic Stability Analysis of Exogenous Gene in Long-term Cultured Cucumber Hairy Roots Genetic Stability Analysis of Exogenous Gene in Long-term Cultured Cucumber Hairy Roots Construction and Characterization of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library from Chinese Cabbage Cryopreservation of In Vitro Shoot Tips of Potato by Droplet Vitrification and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlets Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant STUDIES ON PEROXIDASE ACTIVITIES OF MANGO Isolation and Antimicrobial Substances of Endophytic Fungi from Sorbus tianshanica Rupr. Study on andrographolide solid dispersion vectored by hydroxyapatite Studies on the Stability of Sodium Taurocholate in Different Media and in the Course of Sterilization Stability of salvianolic acid B in water solution Preparation of schizonepetin polylactic—CO—glycolic acid nanoparticles and its stability Effect ofdragon’S blood extract on atherosclerotic plaque stability and gene expression of scavenger receptor CD36 in aorta of ApoE-gene knockout mice A chromatographic fingerprinting-based approach to evaluating the stability of production process of traditional Chinese medicine Studies on thermal stabilities of typhaneoside and isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidoside Study on stability of curcumine, demethoxycurcumin and
Effects of Organic Acid on the Aerobic Stability of Whole-crop Corn Silage Effects of Additives on the Fermentation Quality and Aerobic Stability of Mixed Silages in Tibet Responses of Soil Nutrients and Plant Community Stability to Different Grassland Management Modes in Desert Steppe Effects of Adding Propionic Acid on Fermentation Quality and Aerobic Stability of Mixed Silage of Hullessbarley Straw and Perennial Ryegrass in Tibet Study on self-microemulsifying drug delivery system of total glycosides in Paeoniae Radix Rubra Photostability of curcumine, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin in rhizomes of Curcuma longa Stability analysis of mutualistic-parasitic coupled system Insect diversity of different habitat types in Zhalong Wetland, Northeast China. An example for study on vegetation stability in sandy desertification land: determination and comparison of resistance among communities under a short period of extremely aridity disturbance Analysis of a syrphid fly-aphid system with age structure Weighted connectance for industrial communities based on structural holes theory Research on nodal stability of an eco-industry symbiosis system STUDY ON POPULATION DIAMETER STRUCTURES OF TREE AND SHRUB DOMINANT PLANTS IN QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN IN BEIJING STUDY ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE STABILITY OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA POPULATION AND THE FIRE DISTURBANCE INTERGENERIC HYBRID OF TRITICUM AESTIVUM WITH HORDEUM DISTIOHUM AND THE SELECTION AND CHROMOSOME STABILITY OF ITS BACKCROSS PROGENY Stability analysis for agood resistance andhigh yield hybrid-Shaanzi No.1 Study of High Temperature and Normal Temperature Drying of Chinese Fir Board in Plantation Environmental Analysis on Giant Panda habitat in Gansu Province STABILITY OF THE BETULA FORESTS IN THE TAIBA MOUNTAIN OF QINLING MOUNTAIN RANGE Changes of Membrane Stability in PotassiumStressed Plants A Study on the Stability of Jingu Tongxiao Pills Research on Stability of Angesin Solution Studies on stability of Baicalin Progress in the Study of Psammophyte- Haloxylon Study on Selection and Breeding for Multi function of New Variety of Populus tomentosa Effects of Forest Gap Disturbance on Plant Species Diversity and Stability in Regeneration Layers of Castanopsis kawakamii Natural Forests Studies on Microtubule Cold Stability in Relation to Plant Cold Hardiness Application of lysosomal detection in marine pollution monitoring: Research progress. Temporal stability of river ecological restoration based on the assessment of Contingent Valuation Method: A case study of Shanghai urban river. Soil aggregate stability and soil organic carbon characteristics in Quercus variabilis and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations in Beijing area. Characters of soil organic matter functional groups in the fields planted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) for different years in hilly regions of south Ningxia, Northwest China. Resistance risk and resistance stability of Frankliniella occidentalis to imidacloprid, emamectin benzoate, and phoxim. Effects of cutting on the dominant and subdominant plant species in a Stipa krylovii steppe of Inner Mongolia. Identification of a new heterotrophic nitrobacterium strain Colloidessp. JZ1-1 and its nitrifying capability. The Construction of the Gene Transfer System of Strain Streptomyces sp. 211726 Producing Azalomycin F