Characterization and Selection of Reference Genes for Real-time Quantitative RT-PCR of Plants Studies of the Chimeric Stability of Fittonia albivenis with Different Proliferation Methods of Tissue Culture A Study on the Eco-agricultural Patterns of Households in Hilly Regions Recent advances on the relation between biodiversity and ecosystem function A review of research progress and future prospective of forest soil carbon stock and soil carbon process in China Research on dynamic changes of landscape structure and land use eco-security:a case study of Jiansanjiang land reclamation area An case study on vegetation stability in sandy desertification land: determination and comparison of the resilience among communities after a short period of extremely aridity disturbanc Effect of thinning on Platycladus orientalis plantation and the diversity of undergrowth vegetation Effects of cultivation on organic carbon fractionation and aggregate stability in Xinjiang oasis soils Transgene stability of transgenic hybrid of Populus〔(Populus tomentosa ×P. bolleanaP. tomentosa〕 and its effect on soil microorganisms Purification and Characteristics Analysis of the Antifungal Protein Produced by Paenibacillus sp. Bg1 In vitro Conservation of Chrysanthemum ‘Jinba‘ and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlets Chromosome Number Variation of Cells in Reiterative Subcultures of Embryonic Callus of Tapiscia sinensis Oliv. Effects of Simulated Drought on Antioxidative Enzymes and Osmotic Regulation in Zizyphus jujuba Seedlings DIMENSIONAL STABILITY AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD TREATED WITH LOW-TOXIC PRESERVATIVES SUCH AS CHLOROTHALONIL,ACQ AND COPPER CITRATE STUDY ON THE FIRE AND ROT RESISTANCE AS WELL AS DIMENSIONAL STABILITY OF WOOD TREATED WITH FR-1,FR-2 AND PF RESIN COMPARISON OF METHODS FOR STUDYING STABILITY OF FOREST COMMUNITY CHANGES OF SPECIES DIVERSITY OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION DURING COMMUNITY PROCESS WITH AGE CLASS Ecological Restoration Effect of Herbage under Five Typical Plantations in the Loess Region Study on curcumin analogues with high hydrolytic stability against multidrug-resistant tumor Preparation and in vitro dissolution evaluation of tanshinone ⅡA for oral self-microemulsion Stability of superfine powder of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus, Gastrodiae Rhizoma, and Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma Advances in novel carrier systems of chemical constituents from spice volatile oils Preliminary study on self-emulsifying drug delivery system of tanshinone Preparation and physicochemical characterization of silibinin nanoparticles Analysis of the species diversity and community stability in local\|community using the Neutral Theory Assessment and dynamic changes of environmental vulnerability at county level: a case study in Kenli County of the Yellow River Delta, China Resistance and resilience of soil ecosystem: a review Studies on Stability of Liensinine Injection Studies on Solid Adsorption and Stability of Essential Oil from Pericarp of Gaultheria yunnaensis (Franch.) Rehd. Stable Life Predection for A Complex Injection of Chinese Materia Medica by Initial Average Rate Stability Test Changes of Dehydroandrographolide‘s Contents of Andrographis Tablet in the Process of Production Studies on Stability of Chlorogenic Acid in Extract of Flos lonicerae Studies on Variation of Danshensu Content in Accelerated Stability Tests Effect of Grazing Disturbance Gradient on Plant Diversity of Main Grassland Communities in the Songnen Plain of China Provenances by Sites Interaction of Growth Traits and Provenance Selection of Fraxinus mandshurica Dissipative structure, hierarchy theory and ecosystems Stability of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land Effects of vegetation on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon sequestration in the Ningxia Loess Hilly Region of northwest China On eco-security evaluation in the Tumen River region based on RS&GIS Application of le bissonnais method to study soil aggregate stability under different vegetaion on the loess plateau Effects of different tillage and straw systems on soil water-stable aggregate distribution and stability in the North China Plain Transformation of TCS Gene to Paulownia elongata and Its Virus Resistance Analysis of Stress Wave Propagation in Hankow Willow Standing Trees and Stability Assessment Establishment of an Evaluation Model of the Forest Community Stability Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation: Factors Related to Chinese White Salted Noodle Color Easy Restoration of Fertility and Stability of Fertility Restoration for Male Sterile Line with Ae. kotschyi Cytoplasm in Wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell.] Genetic Characteristics of Early Stable of Rice Characters Stable Inheritance and Expression of Bt and GNA Resistance Genes in Transgenic Cotton Line Advances in study on chemical components, stability, and quality evaluation of sinapinoids and glucosinolates in Sinapis Semen Study on modeling process for golden gel Determination of Stilbene in Radix Polygoni Multiflori by HPLC and Its Stability Study Hereditary stability among species of Dendrobium huoshanense by RAPD Influencing factors on stability of hawthorn leaves total flavonoids-phospholipid complex Influencing factors on stability of hawthorn leaves total flavonoids-phospholipid complex Stability and Ecological Effect of Mainly Plant Communities in Minqin Desert Area Study on the pigment of tomato skins and its stability The study of Rosa rugosa red pigment and its stability Application of GGE biplot in spring wheat yield stability analysis in rainfed areas of China Impact of invasion of exotic plant Alternanthera philoxeroides on interspecies association and stability of native plant community Evaluation of land use sustainability in Qinghai Lake area Analysis of Digestive Stability in Simulative Digestive Tract Fluid and Heat Stability of Cry1Ie Protein Advances on Hyperthermophiles and Mechanism of Their Thermal Adaptation A Study on Identification and Enzyme Characteristics of a Xylanase Producing Strain Isolated and Selected from the Soil in Alpine Meadow Molecular Mechanism of Genomic Stability and iPS Cells Reprogramming Applicat ion of AMMI Model in the Analysis of Rice Quality at Cold Area Effects of nitrogen fertilizer solution on stability of soil aggregates underdifferent fertility levels Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri on the quality and aerobic stability of green corn-stalk silages The effects of lactic acid bacteria inoculation on the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of king grass silage Cloning and Analyses of Expression and for BnFAD2 Genes in Brassica napus Preparation and quality evaluation of tea tree oil microemulsion gel Metabolic distribution and stability of cucurbitacin C in Cucumber sativus miRNA library and thermodynamic stability of Astragali Radix decoction pieces Preparation and capability evaluation of oral microemulsion silybin Studies on the Stability of Borneol-β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex Stable Expression of QTL for AC and PC of Milled Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a CSSL Population Thermostability of PhotosystemⅡ in Low Chlorophyll b Rice Mutant Isolation of Differentially Expressed Genes from Wheat Cultivars Jinan 17 and Yumai 34 with Good Bread Quality under Heat Stress during Grain Filling Stage THE RELATIONSHIP OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY TO ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION IN RELATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION IN SEMI_HUMID EVERGREEN FORESTS, YUNNAN PROVINCE,CHINA Matrix formulation optimizing of Periplaneta americana Cream by D-optimal mixture design