Obtaining and Character of the Interspecfic Hybrids between B.juncea and B. capitata Studies on the Interspecific Hybridization in the Genus Fragaria Cytogenetic studies of the intergeneric and interspecific hybrids among the
Pseudoroegneria, Roegneria and Elymus (Poaceae: Triticeae)
Embryology and Embryo Rescue of an Interspecific Cross Between Actinidia deliciosa cv. Haywardand A. eriantha A Study on Aseptic Seed Germination of Interspecific Hybrid between Cymbidium hybrida × C. sinense and C. faberi Development of new materials resistant to clubroot by crossing Brassica oleracea with Brassica campestris via embryo rescue THE INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDIZATION OF GLYCYRRHIZA IN XINJIANG Interspecific distant hybridization between Brassica juncea with multiloculus and Brassica napus Interspecific Hybridization and Hybrid Analysis of Crested Wheatgrass Preliminary Study on Interspecific Incompatibility between Parthenocissus tricuspidata and P.quinquefolia Studies on interspecific hybridization between \%brassica napus\% and \%brassica juncea\% Studies on Meiotic Behavious of F-1 and Fertility Restoration in Hybrid of Gossypium herbaceum× G. bickii Production and Identification of Interspecific Hybrids between Chinese Cabbage and Purple Cabbage Compatibility of Interspecific Crossing between Several Rosa Species and Modern Rose Cultivars Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen. Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Actinidia diliciosa‘Xuxiang’and A. longicarpa by Anatomy New Rose Cultivars Rosa‘Tianxiang’,‘Tianshan Baixue’,‘Tianshan Taoyuan’,‘Tianshanzhiguang’and‘Tianshanzhixing’ Crossability Barriers in the Interspecific Hybridization between Oryza sativa and O. meyeriana New Rose Cultivars Rosa‘Tianxiang’,‘Tianshan Baixue’,‘Tianshan Taoyuan’,‘Tianshanzhiguang’and‘Tianshanzhixing’ Cluster Analysis of the Introgressed Lines from Interspecific Hybridization in Cotton based on SSR Markers and Phenotype Traits Resynthesis of Brassica napus with Brassica oleracea or Brassica rapa Cytoplasm F1 ‘Cherry Begonia’Series from Interspecif ic Hybridization of Begonia semperflorens ×Begonia tuberhybrida Studies on the Interspecific Hybridization in the Genus Fragaria A Study on Aseptic Seed Germination of Interspecific Hybrid between Cymbidium hybrida × C. sinense and C. faberi Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics in F1 Progeny of Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus americana under Drought Stress Studies on the Hexaploid Interspecific Hybrid and Its Backcross with Cultivarsin Strawberry RAPD Analysis of Cultivated Cucumber,Wild Cucumis Species, Interspecific Hybrid and Its Progenies from Backcrossing STUDIES ON IN VITRO CULTURE OF POLLINATED OVARY IN INTERSPECIFIC CROSSES BETWEEN BRASSICA SPECIES Preliminary studies on sequence elimination of reciprocal allotetraploids from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus Interspecific Hybridization of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii Synthesis of Allotriploid(AAC)Through Hybridization Between Flowering Chinese Cabbage and Broccoli and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters Synthesis of Allotriploid(AAC)Through Hybridization Between Flowering Chinese Cabbage and Broccoli and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters STUDIES IN GETTING HYBRIDS PLANTS OF INTERSPECIFIC\=HYBRIDIZATION THROUGH OVULE CULTURE IN VITRO Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen. Allotriploid Hybrids Obtained from Interspecific Hybridization between Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters Interspecific Hybridization of Prunus persica with P. armeniaca and P.salicina Using Embryo Rescue Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Actinidia diliciosa‘Xuxiang’and A. longicarpa by Anatomy Study on embryo rescue of interspecific hybrids between Hedychium

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