Pollination Biology of Ficus Auriculata Lour.in Tropical Rainforest of Xishuangbanna Mating System Evolution, Resource Allocation, and Genetic Diversity in Plants Studies on Pollination Biology of Melastoma sanguineum Sims (Melastomataceae) Pollination Biology of Chimonanthus nitens Oliv. Pollination Biology of Chimonanthus nitens Oliv. Comparative study of pollination biology of two closely related alpine Primula species, Primula beesiana and P. bulleyana (Primulaceae) The Primary Study on Pollination Biology of a Protective Plant,Elaeagnus Mollis Diels Pollination biology and the breeding system of Plumbago auriculata low seed-set ratio Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Calotropis gigantean Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Calotropis gigantean Breeding System and Pollination Biology of Goodyera foliosa (Orchidaceae) Pollination Biology and Breeding System of Melastoma dendrisetosum Comparative Studies on Pollination Biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis (Labiatae) Study on Pollination Biology of Wild Delphinium grandiflorum Pollination Biology in Cimicifuga nanchuanensis, an Endangered Species (Ranunculaceae) Pollination Biology Characters of Scutellaria baicalensis Floral Biology of Acacia mangium Studies of the Floral Biology , Breeding Characters of Salvia miltiorrhiza Pollination biology of Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Ericaceae): An alpine species endemic to NW Yunnan, China The Pollination Biology of Primula sieboldii Pollination biology of Michelia maudiae The Pollination Biology of Chimonanthus praecox (L. ) Link (Calycanthaceae) Study on the Flexistyly Pollination Mechanism in Alpinia Plants (Zingiberaceae) Pollination Biology of Ficus hispida in the Tropical Rainforests of Xishuangbanna, China Pollination Biology Characters of Scutellaria baicalensis The Pollination Biology of Primula sieboldii The Pollination Biology of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae) The Pollination Biology of Chimonanthus praecox (L. ) Link (Calycanthaceae) Studies of the Floral Biology , Breeding Characters of Salvia miltiorrhiza Pollination Biology and Mating System of Bergenia scopulosa T.P.Wang,an Endangered,Indigenous Species in China Biosystematic Observation on 5 Species of Consolida (Rannnculaceae) Translation and elucidation of common terms in pollination biology Advances in the study of breeding system and pollination biology of gingers (Zingiberaceae and Costaceae) A comparison of several methods used in the field for nectar collection and concentration analysis
Observations on the anatomy of reproductive organs and the pollinators of Viburnum macrocephalum f. keteleeri (Caprifoliaceae) Study on Pollination Biology in Persimmon Trees

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