Classification Analysis for Italian Ryegrass DUS Testing Quantitative Traits Effect of Sorbic Acid on Fermentation Quality of Lolium multiflorum Lam Silage During Ensiling Study on the Sterilization Methods in Tissue Culture of Italian Ryegrass Seed Explant Isolation and the Phosphate Solubilizing Capacity of Italian Ryegrass Rhizosphere Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganism Effects of crop growth stage and wilting time on the feeding and fermentation quality of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) silage Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of 16 Introduced Varieties of Italian Ryegrass at Seedling Stage Effect of Adding Propionic acid and Lactic Acid Bacteria on Fermentation Quality of Italian Ryegrass Silages Study on the Dynamics of Biomass and Interspecific Competition of Mixture Communities of common Vetch With Italian Ryegrass The Study on Different Rotation Systems of Annual Winter Forage Crops With Maize in Subtropical Low Mountainous and Hilly Area of Sichuan Basin in China Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Italian Ryegrass on Succeeding Rice Growth Study on Qualities of Ensiled Alfalfa and Italian Ryegrass at Different Mixed Ratios Study on the Nutritional Quality of Italian Ryegrass and Soybean Straw Mixed Silages A Study on Quality of Italian Ryegrass and Rice Straw Mixed Silage Effects of moisture content and lactic acid bacteria additive on the quality of Italian ryegrass silage Nutritional values of Italian ryegrass for growing rabbits Effect of winter cropping Italian ryegrass on N and P leakage from soils Comprehensive Evaluation of Co2+ Resistance and Enrichment Features of Italian ryegrass Accessions at Seedling Stage A study on fermentation quality of Italian ryegrass and soybean straw mixed silage A study of salt tolerance and feeding quality of Italian ryegrass varieties under salinized-soil conditions Identification of an EST-CAPS Marker Linking to the Resistance Gene of Italian Ryegrass Gray-Leaf-Spot Disease by Bulked Segregant Analysis Effects of selenium on the seedling growth of Italian ryegrass under different N sources Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Legumes on Italian Ryegrass Research on ensiling technology of Italian ryegrass in conditions of high temperature and humidity