Ecological effects of bagging on actinidia fruits Ecological effects of predator chemical cues in aquatic ecosystem Evaluation index system on ecological effect of national large-scale coal-fired power base based on the dpsir conceptual model Introduction and ecological effects of an exotic mangrove species Sonneratia apetala The ecological effects of planting Apocynum venetum in the plain desert of the Altay Region, Xinjiang Province Ecological Effects of Rehabilitation Models in Converting Farmland to Forestsin the Hilly Regions in Eastern Liaoning Characteristics of the Canopy Interception in an Evergreen Broad-Leaved Secondary Forest in Yangdongshan, North Guangdong Ecological effect of plant root exudates and related affecting factors: A review. Main characteristics of physiological-ecological dynamics of soybean during the growth cycle under Cd stress Effects of land use changes on grain yield and environment—A case study from Shuangcheng City,Heilongjiang Province Land use/cover changes and its landscape ecological effects in the middle western Hexi Corridor:A case study of Suzhou oases Studies on hydro-ecological effects of artificial Chinese pine stand in Loess Plateau Research progress on ecological effects under the rotational tillage patternsin agricultural regions of China A study on the Ecological Effects of Joint Pollution of Cd,Pb,Cu,Zn in soil Greenhuse gases and their ecological effects Ecological effects of grassy fibre film mulch on spring corn field in dry1and Analysis on the ecological effects of Mountain-River-Lake Forestry Program based on farmer interview along a transect Study on the ecological effect of crop residues burned or incorporated in fidd in North Central Irrigated Area of China Review of atmospheric nitrogen deposition research The progress of research on sugarcane intercropping Cr AVAILABILITY IN SOILS AND ITS EFFECTS ON POLLUTION ECOLOGY THE ECOLOGICAL EFFECT OF NWE PESTICIDE MONOCARBOXOLDEHYDE IN PLANT-SOIL SYSTEM ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PLANTING VETIVER GRASS IN CITRUS GROVES ON SLOPING RED SOIL FIELDS MATHEMATICAL DEMONSTRATION FOR THE ECOLOGICALEFFECTS OF PLANT COMMUNITY ON COMMUNITYAND POPULATION OF INSECT Effects of Selective Harvesting on Target Plants and the Related Ecosystems Eco-toxicological effects of germanium stress on rice(Oryza sativa L.) and their critical value Effects of road networks on regional ecosystems in Southwest mountain area: A case study in Jinhong of Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region Micro-Environmental Effects and Productivity of Complex Crop Communities in the Wheat/Corn Corn Crop Patterns in Huanghuaihai Plain A review of ecological effect of peasant‘s livelihood transformation in China STUDY ON THE ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WATERLOGGING FIELD IN JIANGHAN PLAIN THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE SYNTHETICAL ECOLOGICAL EFFECT OF PLANT INDIVIDUALS UNDER SEMI-ARID ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Influence of application of rice straw and Chinese mile vetch on the species and ecological effect of added copper in two soils A review of ecological effects of remnant trees in degraded forest ecosystems after severe disturbances COMPARISONS BETWEEN PURE STANDS OF CHINESE FIR,FUKIENCYPRESS AND MIXED STANDS OF THESE TWO SPECIES IN GROWTH, STRUCTURE, BIOMASS AND ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE APPLE-PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS SYSTEM Canonical correlation factors causing the formation of accumulated sand-belts along the oasis fringe in Hexi corridor Electron transfer capacities of dissolved organic matter and its ecological effects Application of arbuscular mycorrhizas in land reclamation of coal spoil heaps Effect of releasing cotton seedling by turn-over plastic film on micro-ecological system in plastic-mulched cotton field Stand Productivity and Ecological Effects of Black Locust in a Coal Waste Pile Research progress on the effects of land consolidation on ecosystem services Contrast in vegetation net primary productivity estimation models and ecological effect value evaluation in Northwest China Construction and empirical analysis of eco-sericulture technology system in Qin-Ba Mountain Area Growth dynamics of Tamarix chinensis plantations in heavy-saline coastal lands and related ecological effects Resource evolution pattern, land use change and related ecological effect in Hailun City Atmospheric deposition of organic nitrogen: A review Changes in grassland yield and grazing pressure in the Three Rivers headwater region before and after the implementation of the eco-restoration project