CONSERVATION GENETICS AND STRATEGY FOR PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES Introduction and Conservation of Casuarina Trees in China An Approach to Sustainable Management of Population Genetic Resources of Trees Ⅱ. Management Analysis of Plantation and Natural Population of Some Autochthonous Tree Species in China Economic evaluation and protection of Amygdalus mira genetic resource ACQUISITION, CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES IN CHINESE FIR Strategic Conservation of Orchard Germplasm Based on Indigenous Knowledge and Genetic Diversity: a Case Study of Sour Orange Populations in China 中国树莓属植物多样性及品种选育研究进展 Genetic Diversity of Agronomic Traits in Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L. ) Germplasm Resources Genetic Resources of Wild Relatives of Crops in China The utilization of Chinese wild grape species in production and breeding Genetic Diversity and Correlation Analysis of Main Botany Characters in Watermelon Genetic Resources Development of RAPD-SCAR marker for Anoectochilus roxburghii and their utilization to assess genetic diversity of germplasm Characteristics of Components and Contents of Soluble Sugars in Mature Fruits of Loquat Germplasm Tissue Culture Response and Selection of Transgenic Receptors in Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars HISTORY AND SITUATION OF THE RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF ORYZA L. Morphological Variations of Eremochloa Ophiuroides and its Morphological Types Genetic Diversity in Naked Oatmeal(Avena nuda) Germplasm Revealed by AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity in ex-situ Conserved Lens culinaris for Botanical Descriptors, Biochemical and Molecular Markers and Identification of Landraces from Indigenous Genetic Resources of Pakistan The Genetic Resources of Introduced Populus and the Problems Existed in China Assessment and Selection on the Genetic Resource Test Plantation of Loblolly Pine Introduced from Zimbabwe Construction of Molecular Fingerprinting Map in Gene Pool of Jute with SRAP, ISSR and SSR Markers Genetic analysis of Anatolian apples (Malus sp.) by simple sequence repeats Conservation and Application of the Genetic Resource of Native Poplars in Southwest China Comparative studies on genetic resource of characteristics of Alisma Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Germplasm by SSR Markers Crop Genetic Resources Diversity and Sustainable Agriculture in Yunnan Province, China An Approach to Sustainable Management of Population Genetic Resources of Trees Ⅰ. Relevant Theoretical Analyses of the Information on Population Genetic Variation Evolution of wild emmer wheat and crop improvement Genetic Diversity and Stability of Azadirachta indica Seed Quality Characters Characteristics of Components and Contents of Soluble Sugars in Mature Fruits of Loquat Germplasm

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