Ecological effect of Trichoderma agent on platform field soil improvement in saline coastal area Influence of density correction on latent heat, CO2 flux and energy balance closure in winter wheat/summer maize rotation fields Research on polluted channel of Pb and Cd in the field vegetables Light-ecological field of Larix leoptolois canopy Characteristic. analysis of two-dimensional behavior of aboveground ecological field of Aneurolepidium chinense Application of different canopy resistance models in summer maize evapotranspiration simulation Effects of long-term fertilization on spring season weed community in winter fallow paddy field in red soil area under double-rice cropping system Analysis of agro-ecosystem footprint of flux in semi-arid areas Distribution characteristics of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide along soil profile in typical vegetable fields Consolidation partition and mode design of rural construction land based on residential field and power theory Effects of configuration mode of crop-mulberry system in purple arid hillside field on SMBC and SMBN in the Three Gorges Reservoir Prescription screening and field evaluation of broad spectrum attractants of scarab beetles from Ricinus communis Effect of different rotation patterns on soil microbial population and physiochemical properties under gravel-sand mulched field conditions Effect of ridging and fertilization on soil redox in cold waterlogged paddy fields Effects of different combinations of planting density, row spacing and row direction on field microclimatic conditions and grain yield of maize Analysis of soil respiration and the influencing factors in soybean fields under conservation tillage Spatial variability and influencing factors of soil catalase activity in grapevine fields in Huailai-Zhuolu Basin Comparative analysis of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils under alpine meadow, farmland and greenhouse conditions in Tibet Effects of NBPT urease inhibitor on ammonia volatilization in paddy fields with wheat straw application Soil enzyme activity under organic versus conventional vegetable production systems Effects of long-term fertilization on weed community characteristics andcarbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry during winter-springseason in yellow-clay paddy fields of South China Effects of straw incorporation and N fertilization on soil respiration during maize (Zea mays L.) growth in Huanghuaihai Plain Effect of azolla on CH4 and N2O emissions in Fuzhou Plain paddy fields Standards of payments for paddy ecosystem services:using Hani Terrace as case study Effects of heavy metal compound contamination of Cd, Zn, Cu andPb on soil biological activity Ecological stoichiometric characteristics of oasis spring wheat fields under regulated deficit irrigation Reduction of nitrogen fertilizer application under different crop rotation systems in paddy fields of Taihu Area Soil enzyme activity in spring potato fields under different mulching practices in double rice cropping area Determining soil salt distribution by electromagnetic induction of cotton field under different film-mulched irrigation techniques Seasonal dynamics of soil nutrition field for plants in Songnen alkaline grassland Arsenic contamination, uptake and metabolism in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Responses of aphid males and gynoparae to sex pheromones and plant volatiles in the field Comparison analyses of scale insects and functional groups of natural enemy at jujube orchards intercropped with herbage Apply soil quality degradation index to calculation soil nutrition field in Songnen alkaline grassland A Study on the Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Cornin a Shelterbelt Network Ecofield MEASUREMENT OF DOSE FIELD AFTER SUPPLEMENT SOURCE IN 60 Co IRRADIATION CHAMBER THE MOVING FEATURE OF 15 N IN COTTON FIELD WITH DIFFERENT SOIL TEXTURE Spatial variability of soil phosphorus in field scale Soil chemical property changes in vegetable greenhouse fields NO emission from winter wheat fields of rice-wheat rotation ecosystem in southeast China Some comments on ecological field Wind tunnel experiment on canopy structural parameters of isolated tree and wind velocity field characters nearby Biological nitrification denitrification and nitrogen loss in rice field ecosystem Nutrient balance in rice field ecosystem of northern China Effect of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide on N2O and CH4 emissions from lowland rice soil Impact of soil erosion on soil fertility and land productivity Interactive effect of compound damages by multi-pests in cotton field and application of compound control indicators for “two red pests” Temporal and spatial distribution of soil erosion on red soil slope field under different land use patterns Functional features of preserving natural enemies to control insect pests in intercropped cotton field ecosystems CH4 and N2O fluxes from late-rice fields in Guangzhou region and their affecting factors Relationship bwtween CH4 and N2O emissions from rice field and its microbiological mechanism and impacting factors Soil NO3--N transport under field unsaturated flow condition——a simulation study Rice field ecosystems in northern China Ⅱ. Study of symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Azolla in rice-Azolla combination systems Rice field ecosystems in northern China Ⅰ. Structural study of rice-Azolla combination systems Function or paddy wetland landscape ecosystem and its benefit in hilly region of south Changjiang River: with Youxian County of Hunan Province as an example Ecological field gradient of Anewolepidium chinense under different population densities and its dynamic characteristics Paddy field ecosystem under natural zero-tillage The experimental research on water stress effects on growth and development of winter wheat Studies on relationships among methane emission and methane-oxidizing and methanogenic bacteria in three types of rice-field soil Soil nutrient field analysis for plant species in Songnen alkaline grassland Land-atmosphere interaction model and observation in Yucheng county ECOLOGICAL FIELD THEORY APPLICATION TO REGENERATION OF Picea mongolica POPULATION Quantitative analysis of weed communities in cotton fields in cotton growing regions of Jiangsu Province Quantitative analysis of weed communities in cotton fields in cotton-growing regions of Jiangsu Province SIGNIFICANCE AND METHOD OF STUDIES ON WEED NICHE IN CROP FIELDS REGULARITY OF THE ECOLOGICAL POTENTIAL AND GRADIENT OF ABOVEGROUND ECOLOGICAL FIELD OF ANEUROLEPIDIUM CHINENSE AND THEIR SEASONAL CHANGES UNDER DIFFERENT POPULATION DENSITIES A SIMULATION ANALYSIS ON ROTATION GRAZING SYSTEM OF SUMMER-AUTUMN PASTURE IN AN ALPINE MEADOW ECOSYSTEM THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ECOLOGICAL FIELD IN SPRING WHEAT COLONY UNDER SEMI-ARID ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS STUDY ON THE WATER CONSUMPTION LAW OF COMPLEX CROP SYSTEMS IN THE TABLELANDS OF THE EASTERN GANSU LOESS PLATEAU PRELIMIN ARY STUDY ON THE ECONOMICAL THRESHOLD OF ENERGY FLOW IN COTTON FIELD Interspecific Relationships among the Dominant Weeds Species of Tobacco Field in Guizhou Province Research progress on stress response and conservation of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberous L.) germplasm BREEDING OF NEW VARIETY NONGJING NO.1 OF Medicago sativa L. BY MAGNETIC FIELD FREE SPACE Different strip intercropping of grain-grass on sloping field in dry areas of south Ningxia Advances in the Biological Effects of Magnetic Treatment on Seed Germination The economic benefit of planting spring-corn in rice field and its efficient technique for system coupling The effect of applying economic green manure crops in the paddy field with succession cropping system Mapping of variable rate fertilizing and model of fertilizer application in paddy field Studies on the relationship between source and pool of sulfur in typical agro-ecosystems of Beijing suburb Effect of freezing stress on the membrane system of the open-field winter cabbage

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