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Zoysia matrella
The Selection and Utilization of
Zoysia matrella
Proteomic Analysis of
Zoysia matrella
in Response to High and Low Temperature Stress
Effect of mixed application of growth regulators and fertilizers on the growth, cold-resistance and physiology of turfgrass
Zoysia matrella
in wintering period
Effects of Different Phosphorus Concentrations on the Growth and Photosynthesis of
Zoysia matrella
under Salt Stress
Prel iminary Screening of Fungal Strain Decomposing the Thatch of Turfgrass
Zoysia matrella
Effect of Cytokinins on Callus Growth and Antioxidant System in
Zoysia matrella
(L.) Merr.
The Responses of Callus Growth and Plant Regeneration of
Zoysia matrella
to Copper Stress
Spatial and temporal dynamics of the weed community in the
Zoysia matrella
Effect of Traffic Stresses on Phenotypic Traits of Zoysia Matrella
Effects of stepping on soil respiration of
Zoysia matrella
lawn during the winter dormancy period
Effect of phosphorus on Na
and K
concentrations and the growth of
Zoysia matrella
under salt stress
Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella
Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella
Effects of fertilizing on the manilagrass growth and physiological characteristics
Effects of various trampling stresses on turf characteristics and the natural recovery of
Zoysia metrella
Analysis of Different Expression of Genes in
Zoysia Matrella
Exposed to High Temperature Treatment