Embryological Evidence of Apomixis in Eulaliopsis binata Calcium Distribution During Pollen Development of Larix principis-rupprechtii N Mineralization and Nitrification in a Primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus Forest and Degraded Vegetation in the Ailao Mountain, Yunnan Province Bryophyte-like Fossil (Parafunaria sinensis) from Early-Middle Cambrian Kaili Formation in Guizhou Province, China R Region of S Type of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Maize Mitochondrial DNA is Transcribed in Both Directions and May Be Associated with Male Sterility Characterization of Sclerotial Formation from Hyphae of Grifola umbellata Glandular Characteristics of the Stigma During the Development of Cucumis sativus Female Flowers Characteristics of Triose Phosphate/Phosphate Translocator from Wheat and Its Role in the Distribution of Assimilates Ecophysiological Evidence for the Competition Strategy of Two Psammophytes Artemisia halodendron and A.frigida in Horqin Sandy Land, Nei Mongol Morphogenesis, Anatomical Observation and Genetic Analysis of a Long Hull Floral Organ Mutant in Rice Cytochemical Localization of Pectinase: the Cytochemical Evidence for Resin Ducts Formed by Schizogeny in Pinus massoniana Anatomical and Chemical Features of High-Yield Wheat Cultivar with Reference to Its Parents A Limited Photosynthetic C4-Microcycle and Its Physiological Function in Transgenic Rice Plant Expressing the Maize PEPC Gene Cytogenetic Identification of a New Hexaploid Coix aquatica Cyto-type Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Photosynthesis, Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes of Platymonas subcordiformis Subjected to UV-B Radiation Stress Salicylic Acid Modulates Aluminum-induced Oxidative Stress in Roots of Cassia tora Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Dominant Long-culm Mutant in Rice Wheat RAN1 Affects Microtubules Integrity and Nucleocytoplasmic Transport in Fission Yeast System Isolation and Characterization of the Cytoplasmic Membrane from the Terrestrial Cyanobacterium—Nostoc flagelliforme A New Monoterpene Glycoside from Hemiphragma heterophyllum Cytochemical Localization of Pectinase Activity in Pollen Mother Cells of Tobacco During Meiotic ProphaseⅠand Its Relation to the Formation of Secondary Plasmodesmata and Cytoplasmic Channels Developmental Morphology of Obturator and Micropyle and Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth in Ovary in Phellodendron amurense (Rutaceae) Autotoxicity of Root Exudates of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schvek Temperature Influences on the Allelopathy Effect of Aqueous Extracts from Trifolium repens L. Cold Resistance of 4 types of Central Plains Tree Peony Cultivars in Harbin Area Study on the Geobotanic and Phyto-Chemical Composition of the Oil-Bearing Areas in Southeast Junggar Basin The Dynamics of Aboveground Biomass of Festuca extremiorientalis in the Taihang Mountain Grassland Polyacrylamides Membrane Chromatogrphy of Flavonoids in Gordonia acuminata Biomass and Leaf Area Dynamics of Modular Populations in Gordonia acuminata Quantitative Structure and Dynamics of Leaf Populations of Gordonia acuminata on Jinyun Mountain On Microclimate Edge Effects of Tropical Rainforest Fragments in Xishuangbanna The Dynamics on Organization in the Successional Process of Dinghushan Cryptocarya Community The Dynamics of Biomass and the Allocation of Energy in Alpine Kobresia Meadow Communities, Haibei Region of Qinghai Province Soil Seed Banks of Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest on Simian Mountain, Chongqing Municipality Seasonal Dynamics of Litterfall and Nutrient Concentrations in Leaf Litter in Scenic Forests of Nagoga DYNAMICS OF SPECIES DIVERSITY IN THE RESTORATION PROCESS OF ARTIFICIAL SPRUCE CONIFER FOREST IN THE EASTERN EDGE OF QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU Variation in Concentration of Chemical Elements in Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f. Among Populations and Modules Photo-Ecological Characteristics of Six Broad-Leaved Species Including Heptacodium miconioides in the Tiantai Mountains in Zhejiang Province The Branching Pattern and Biomass of Mikania micrantha Shoot Modules in Acacia confusa Community and Miscanthus sinensis Community CLASSIFICATION OF PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES BASED ON DOMINANT TREE SPECIES IN THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM AT FUNIU MOUNTAIN NATIONAL RESERVE, EAST CHINA WARMING EFFECTS ON GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SEEDLINGS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AND ABIES FAXONIANA UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT CONDITIONS IN SUBALPINE CONIFEROUS FOREST OF WESTERN SICHUAN, CHINA Variations of morphology, anatomical structure and nitrogen content among first-order roots in different positions along branch orders in tree species Rainfall process and nutrient dynamics of artificial Chinese fir plantation in Jiangxi Qianyanzhou experimental station Research on species diversity characteristics of the arbor layer in Sassafras tzumu community Leaf Epidermal Feature in Clematis (Ranunculaceae) with Reference to Its Systematic Significance Ecological Regionalization of Suitable Trees, Shrubs and Herbages for Vegetation Restoration in the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China Physiological Adaptation of Habitat by Ion Distribution in the Leaves of Four Ecotypes of Reed (Phragmites australis) Response of Photosynthesis, Growth, Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Osmotic Tolerance of Rice to Elevated CO2 Molecular Tagging of a New Resistance Gene to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Using Microsatellite Markers Comprehensive Pattern of Primordium Initiation in Shoot Apex of Wheat Changes of Calmodulin Distribution in the Embryo Sac of Oryza sativa Before and After Fertilization: an Immunogold Electron Microscope Study Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Some Marine Phytoplankton Species Spectrin-like Protein in the Phloem of Cucumis sativus Anatomical Structure of Leaf Cushion of Lepidodendron lepidophloides Yao Mapping of S-bLocus for F1 Pollen Sterility in Cultiv ated Rice Using PCR Based Markers Isolation of Zygotes and Proembryos in Doritis pulcherrima Structure and Expression Analysis of KNOX Gene Family in Soybean Effect of different drip irrigation amounts on microclimate and yield of winter wheat Simulation method of cotton root length growth based on dynamic programming theory Variation of standard farming system in agro-pastoral transition zones of northern and southern foothills of Yinshan Mountains in recent thirty years Effects of biochar on organic carbon content and fractions of gray desert soil Research progress on phthalate esters (PAEs) organicpollutants in the environment Biochar research advances regarding soil improvement and crop response Undergrowth vegetation niche in scenic-recreational forest communities of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing suburb Research status and its perspective on the properties of rhizosphere biology med iated by allelopathic plants Study on diagnosis method for agro-eco-economic system—A case study fromDaye City, Hubei Province The major progress of agroecology research on the application direction Effcts of low temperature and low light on the growth,development and physiological functions of tomato plants Research of the hairy-root of Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor. Prelim inary study on the tissue culture of Heptacodium miconioides Rehd Long-term effects of thinning on carbon storage in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations. Nutrient accumulation and cycling in pure and mixed plantations of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis in a dryhot valley, Yunnan Province, southwest China. Research advances in dendrochronology. Passive nighttime warming (PNW)system, its design and warming effect. Soil soluble organic matter, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities in forest plantations in degraded red soil region of Jiangxi Province, China. Effects of microbial agents on litter decomposition in urban protective greenbelts of arid zone. Microbial community and its activities in canopy- and understory humus of two montane forest types in Ailao Mountains, Northwest China. Spatial-temporal dynamics of landscape fragmentation in North Shannxi Loess Plateau Spatial variance characters of urban synthesis pattern indices at different scales Effects of Fargesia denudata density on soil nutrient pool