Micro-morphological Characteristics of Taraxacum F. H. Wigg. Seeds from Northeastern China and Taxonomic Significance Effect of Drought Stress on Photochemical Efficiency and Dissipation of Excited Energy in Photosystem II of Populus euphratica The Role of Banana MaASR1 in Drought Stress Tolerance Spatial and temporal variations in optimum sowing date of winter wheat in Shijiazhuang City Effects of different leek cultivars on the growth, development and fecundity of Bradysia difformis Frey Structural attribute and optimization of farmland and non-cropped green-land patches of agricultural landscape: A case study of Fengqiu County, Henan Province Effects of long-term straw incorporation on cadmium speciation and bioavailability in paddy soils in Deyang Area Residual dynamics and safely applying technology of pyridaben in vegetable-soybean Impact of long term fertilization on different forms of inorganic phosphorus in aquic brown-soil Influences of insecticides and herbicides on the growth of the biocontrol fungus Coniothyrium minitans Campbell Effects of paraquat on soil microorganism Studies on the polyamines and indole acetic acid metabolism under the stress of sweet potato scab Effect of low-temperature on the forming ratio of callus of wheat green embryo Study on the dynamics of matter and energy during the decomposition of Ficus microcarpa leaves Relationship between incidence of Verticillium wilt on egt and nematode population in the rhizosphere soil Monitoring of the virulence of Erysiphe graminis f.sp.tritici in different ecological areas of Shanxi Province Ecological organic fertilizers and sustainable development of agriculture Application of chemical methods on frost disaster prevention Tendency of world economy for sustainable development in the 21st century-Green economy Ecological touring-agriculture and its development in China Optimizing two land use structures by linear programming in Yan’an region Influence of sludge and bacterial sludge on microorganism system in farmland soil Research progress in the probiotics of compound microorganisms Effects of polyacrylamide on germination and growth of several plant seeds The dynamics of nitrate nitrogen leaching through soil in high-yield farmland ecosystem Effects of soil acidity adjnstment on root growth and chemical compositions of the cured leaves in flue-cured tobacco The Optimizing Design of the Agro-economic System for Mengu Town of Fang County in Qingba Mountain District Developing Stable Nullisomic Wheat by Blue Grain Monosomic Wheat Construction of eco-agricultural regions and ways for development in Jianyang City Effects of the main ecological factors on gallnut yield Effects of seed dressing with imidacloprid on the seedlings growth and protective enzyme activities of high-yielding summer maize. Responses of soil properties to ecosystem degradation in Karst region of northwest Guangxi, China. Effects of exogenous melatonin on active oxygen metabolism of cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Dynamic characters of sulphur and heavy metals concentrations in Pinus taiwanensis growth rings Effects of site condition on litterfall and related nutrient return in Pinus luchuensis plantations Image analysis and community monitoring on coniferous forest dynamics in Changbai Mountain Research Advance in polyphosphate-accumulating microorganisms in enhanced biological phosphorus removal process Chemical mechanism of exotic weed invasion Current situation and some intending problems of landscape spatial dynamic model Effect of the combination of cadmium and UV-B radiation on soybean growth