Characteristics Analysis of Microelement Contents in Newhall Navel Orange Leaves in Southern Jiangxi Province Characteristics Analysis of Microelement Contents in Newhall Navel Orange Leaves in Southern Jiangxi Province SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR TREE SPECIES AT NECT—GEOSTATISTICS AND FRACTAL METHODS Distribution characters of fine root of artificial Pinus tabulaeformis and natural Betula platyphylla forests and their relation to soil nutrients in Hilly Loess Regions Community composition and distribution character of wood-inhabiting fungi on maple in broad-leaved korean pine mixed forest plot in Changbaishan of China Biomass Distribution Characteristics of Alpine Meadow under Different Burrowing Plateau Pika Density in Guoluo Region,Qinghai Province Carbon storage, density, and distribution in forest ecosystems in Jilin Province of Northeast China. Study on alien weeds of the West-lake scenic spot in Hangzhou Analysis of Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Trees with Different Diameter Classes in Natural Korean Pine Broad Leaved Forest Vertical distribution character of nutrient elements in peat of Sanjiang Plain Distribution Characteristics and Species Diversity of Seed Plants in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Content and Distribution of Black Carbon in Typical Forest Soils in Changbaishan Mountains Distribution characteristic of endophytic microbes in four different tobacco species Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of super-high-yield summer maize root Distribution of zinc in soil-crop system after long-term located application of zinc fertilizer Spatial distribution characteristics of plant-parasitic nematodes in cultivated horizon of a site-specific experimental field SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF APPLE TREE ROOTS IN THE APPLE-WHEAT INTERCROPPING STUDY ON CHANGEABLE PROCESS OF SOIOL EROSION DISTRIBUTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ON THE SLOPE SURFACE BY REE TRACING METHOD Distribution characteristics and seasonal dynamics of phosphorus and potassium in wetland ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain Influence of Different Vegetation Types on the Soil Inorganic Nitrogen at Small Watershed in Northern Zhejiang Province Spatial and Temporal Change of Vegetation Cover in Xinjiang Based on FVC Analysis on the Geographical Distribution Characteristics of Angiopteridaceae and Its Causes in Yungui Plateau and Hengduan Mountains, China Distribution characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in the sediment of multi-stage canal and ditch systems in wetlands of the Sanjiang Plain Distribution Characteristics of the Root System of the Stipa bungeana Trin. Community in Yunwu Mountain Distribution Characteristics of Soil Labile Organic Carbon of Different Grassland Communities in Yunwu Mountain Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen of Grassland in Yunwu Mountain of Loess Plateau Distribution Characteristics of Microbes in New-born Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta The distribution character of soil nutrient and precision management of fertilizer in farmland in the piedmont of Taihang Soil C/P distribution characteristics of alpine steppe ecosystems in the Qinhai-Tibetan Plateau Distribution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Vegetation Phosphorus Content of Alpine Grassland Ecosystem in Qinhai-Tibet Plateau Profile distribution characteristics of soil organic nitrogen fractions in the lower reaches of the Heihe River wetland Distribution characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Daya Bay in spring The Soil Erosion Distribution Characteristics and Ecological Background of Chinese Cultivated Land Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Weed Species Diversity in a Watershed Ecosystem in Southern China‘s Hilly Area Spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen in Jiaozhou Bay estuarine wetlands Effect of Hemerocallis root system distribution characteristics on soil nutrients in terrace banks planted for hillslope protection A Study on National Priority Protection Wild Plants in Meizhou,Guangdong Province Simulation of Canopy Photosynthetic Production Based on Plant Type in Rice Spatial distribution characteristics and the environmental regulation mechanisms of phytoplankton chlorophyll a in Southern Yellow Sea during summer 2006 Protected research on sparsity flower Kolkwitzia amabilis on the Huashan Mountain Soil C/N distribution characteristics of alpine steppe ecosystem in Qinhai- Tibetan Plateau Distribution characteristics of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide along soil profile in typical vegetable fields Spatial distribution regularities of farmland soil quality in subsidence areas of coal filling mining and non-filling mining NITROGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITIONS AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL IN THE PROCESS OF KARST ROCKY DESERTIFICATION Distribution characteristics of soil total nitrogen and soil microbial biomass nitrogen for the typical types of soils on the Loess Plateau Population difference of polypores in northwest and southeast of China. Carbon sequestration status of forest ecosystems in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Regional distribution characteristics of nature reserves and the influencing factors in China Influential factors and distribution characteristics of topsoil labile organic carbon Study on Root System of Narrow-Crown Clone of Black Locust Distribution characteristics of endophytic bacteria isolated from forage grasses Study on biomass and root system distribution characteristics of sport turf in different substrate compositions Advances in studies on constituents with anti-inflammatory and analgesia activity in aromatic medicinal plants and their mechanisms Root Distribution and Growing of Apricot Alfalfa Sod Culture Pattern Spatial distribution characteristics and ecological effects of carbon and nitrogen of soil in Huolin River catchment wetland Study on temporal and spatial characteristics of available soil nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium among the forest ecosystem of Mt.Jinyun RESEARCH ON TYPES AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ECTOMYCORRHIZA OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA Advances in studies on constituents with anti-inflammatory and analgesia activity in aromatic medicinal plants and their mechanisms Influence of different soil coring methods on estimation of root distribution characteristics