Residues and spatial distribution of OCPs in the sediments of Gan River Basin THE DISTRIBUTION OF NA+ AND CL- IN WHEAT LEAF MESOPHYLL CELLS Studies on the Mangrove Ecosystem of Jiulongjiang River Estuary of Fujian V.——Accumulation and Biological Cycle of Chlorine in Kandelia candel Community Effect of chlorine of ammonium chloride on restraining nitrification INFLUNENCE OF CHLORINE AND POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF FLUE-CURED TOBACCO EFFECT OF COMBINED APPLICATION OF ZINC,MANGANESE AND CONTAIN CHLORINE NITROGEN FERTILIZER ON NUTRITION QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT GRAIN EFFECT OF SULPHATE RATES SUPPLIED ON SULPHUR METABOLISM AND N, P AND Cl ABSORPTION IN TOBACCO Determination of residue of organic chlorine pesticides in Fructus Trichosanthis Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Contents of Chlorophyll a, Proteins and DNA in Phaeocystis globosa DYNAMIC CHANGE OF PHYTOPLANKTON CELL DENSITY AFTER THERMAL SHOCK AND CHLORINATION IN A SUBTROPICAL BAY IN CHINA Isolation and selection of strains used to degrade organic chlorine pesticides and application effects Effects of organochlorine pesticides on soil microbial community functional diversity Determination of residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in cultivated Changium smyrnioides and soil of plantation base Determination of twenty pesticide residues in Viscum coloratum by gas chromatography using cloud-point extraction Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in Dipsaci Radix Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in Dipsaci Radix Determination of twenty pesticide residues in Viscum coloratum by gas chromatography using cloud-point extraction Vertical distribution of organochlorine pesticide residue along soil profile in agricultural soils of Huizhou Researches on resistance to downy mildew induced by copolymer of chlorine and potassium ions in cucumber Studies on residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in soil of planting base and Pogostemon cablin Multiresidue analysis of organochlorine pesticides and the application to Chinese herbal medicine Inhibition and elimination of chlorine dioxide on Phaeocystis globosa Bioindication of organochlorine pesticides by night heron in Taihu wetland ecosystem Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soils from typical area of south subtropics, China Advanced in effect of residual chlorine on hydrobios Residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in soil and  water of planting base and Liriope muscari Effects of Exogenous Chlorine on the Growth and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings Determination of residue of organic pesticides in Panax quinquefolius by CGC Residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in Radix Ophiopogonisand Ophiopogon japonicus growing soil Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Multi-Residues in Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao,Panax notoginseng(Burk.) F. H. Chen and P.quin quefolium L. Quantitative Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Chinese Drugs GC-ECD Determination of Residual Organochlorine Pesticides in American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) Effects of residual chlorine discharged in water on the growth of phytoplankton STUDY ON CHANGES OF EITHER CHLORINE CONTENT OR MEMBRANE PERMEABILITY OF LEAVES WITH SEASONS AND HARDINESS OF TREES Distribution and composition of organochlorine pesticides in farmland top soils of Anhui Province. Seedlings’ Photosynthetic Characteristics of Sweet Potato under Exogenous Chlorine Stress Status of chlorine content in tobacco-planting soils in Hunan province and tobacco responses on chlorine application Effects of long-term application of chlorine-containing chemical fertilizers on chloride accumulation and nutrient balance in paddy fields 半干旱地区果园土壤Cl-迁移积累与环境因子的关系

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