Compatibility study of five rhubarb aglycones in treatment of cerebral ischemia based on support vector machine Simultaneous pharmacokinetics of rhein in rat plasma and kidney HPLC method for simultaneous determination of nine components from leaves of Rheum officinale by HPLC Determination of anthraquinones and bianthrones in rhubarb from different sources by HPLC Mechanism of Podophyllotoxin rheinate (RH-01) on human osteoma sarcomatosum cells growth Molecular mechanism of rhein on inhibiting autophagic protein expression in renal tubular epithelial cells via regulating mTOR signaling pathway activation Determination of four anthraquinone derivatives in trueborn Rheum tanguticum of Qinghai Province Study on quality control of pharmaceutical cocrystal by NIRS The content condition of effective composition in Sanhuang Xiexin decoction Simultaneous determination of 11 constituents in Rhei Radix et Rhizoma by HPLC Preparation and identification of artificial antigen for rhein In vivo pharmacokinetic study on several active components of Dachengqi Decoction in rats by UPLC-MS/MS Pharmacokinetic study of Rheum palmatum in vivo in rats Determination of active anthraquinones in Rheum and its tea preparations by micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis Determination of nine anthraqunones in Cassiae Semen from different habitats Determination of nine anthraqunones in Cassiae Semen from different habitats Total quantity statistical moment analysis on pharmacokinetics of rhein and chrysophanol after oral administration of Quyu Qingre granules in normal and acute blood stasis rabbits Analytical Study on processing of Rheum palmatum L. by HPLC Determination of anthraquinones and bianthrones in rhubarb from different sources by HPLC The pharmacokinetics of rhein in 12 healthy volunteers after oral administration of rhubarb extract Percutaneous permeability of rhein at shenque acupoint in vitro Preparation and Purification of Free Anthraquinones Extracted from Rheum Simultaneous determination of two anthraquinone-O-glucosides in five processed pieces from Rheum palamatum Simultaneous determination of two anthraquinone-O-glucosides in five processed pieces from Rheum palamatum Theoretical and experimental studies on solubility parameters of multiple components for traditional Chinese materia medica with HPLC Effect of rhein treatment on first-phase insulin secretory function in db/db mice Preliminary study on serum pharmacochemistry of Zhizi Dahuang Decoction