Study on processing method of Cistanche tubulosa Chemical constituents from Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis Phenylethanoid Glucosides from Flos Buddlejae Separation and preparation of polyphenols from leaves of Olea europaea by preparative medium pressure liquid chromatography Determination of Verbascoside in Herba of Galeobdolon chinense by RP-HPLC Studies on the Chemical Constituents in Herba of Galeobdolon chinense (Ⅰ) Strong Polarity Components of Pogostemon cablin (Blance) Benth. HPLC determination of iridoid glycosides and phenylethanoid glycosides in roots of Lamiophlomis rotata Determination of iridoid glycosides and phenylethanoid glycosides in the roots of Lamiophlomis rotata by HPLC Quantitative analysis of three active constituents in crude drug of Cistanche deserticola influenced by different factors Fingerprint of Plantaginis Semen and determination of its two index contents Simultaneous determination of plantainoside D and verbascoside from stem of Chirita longgangensis var. hongyao by RP-HPLC Qualification of active constituents in Cistanche tubulosa from various habitats Simultaneous determination of seven active components in Shufeng Jiedu Capsule by HPLC Phenylpropanoids constituents of Pedicularis dichotoma Preparation technology of verbascoside and isoverbascoside from Pedicularis kansuensis Analysis on molecular interaction mechanism of verbascoside binding with serumalbumin by spectroscopy and molecular modeling method