Influence of External Conditions on the Occurrence of Sexual Stage in Cordyceps Models for Predicting the Hourly Fuel Moisture Content on the Forest Floor of Birch Stands in Tahe Forestry Bureau Temporal changes in aboveground dead material under different grazing conditions in a snow pasture in central Japan THE STUDY ON DECAY OF DEAD BRANCHES AND LEAVES ON LIVING TREES TAKEN FROM CROWN INTO LITTER ENVIRONMENT IN A CHINESE FIR PLANTATION,COMPARED WITH DECAY IN CANOPY Structure Characteristics of Dead Tree in Dominant Species Populations in An Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Baishanzu Litter amount and its dynamic change of four typical plant community under the fenced condition in desert steppe Cloning and Expression Analysis of a DEAD-box RNA helicases Gene, SlDEAH1 in Solanum lycopersicum Effects of Barbarea vulgaris on the development and oviposition preference of Plutella xylostella A study on the decomposition of Aneurolepidium chinense standing dead litter in Songnen grassland Gap formation features of humid evergreen broad-leaved forest in central subtropical Wawushan Mountain,Sichuan Province,China Mortality patterns of Larix gmelini and effect of fallen dead wood on regeneration of old Larix gmelini forest Cloning and Characterization of DEADbox RNA Helicases Gene from the Fern Equisetum arvense A character study on the dead wood of primeval Abies of Sejila Mountain in Southeastern Tibet Essential oils from the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora Spatial point pattern analysis of Abies georgei var. smithii in forest of Sygera Mountains in southeast Tibet, China. Influence of topography on coarse woody debris in a mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Xiaoxing′an Mountains, China Spatial point pattern analysis for coarse woody debris in a mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Xiaoxing′an Mountains, China Analysis on Distribution Pattern Characteristics of Standing Dead Trees in Larix gmelinii Overcutting Forest Influence of fire disturbance on aboveground deadwood debris carbon storage in Huzhong forest region of Great Xing’an Mountains, Northeast China. Morphological and developing characteristics of the young leaves in dormant buds of Magnolia grandiflora Analysis of Phenotype and Physiology together with Mapping of a Leaf Apex Dead Gene (lad) in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Advances on Research and Utilization of Elite Resistant Resource–Barbarea vulgaris Advances on Research and Utilization of Elite Resistant Resource–Barbarea vulgaris Gray Forecast on the Optimal Extension Deadline of the Compensation Polity for Conversion of Farmland to Forestry Project in Western China

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