Efficient Culture and Plan t Regeneration from Cotyledon Protoplasts of ‘Cuixiu’Cucmnber Embryogenic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Zoysia japonica High Efficient System Establishment of Plant Regengation from CotyledonExplants of Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. ) Efficient Plant Regeneration Via Root Tip Culture of Allium tuberosum Rottl.ex Spreng. Efficient Plant Regeneration Via Root Tip Culture of Allium tuberosum Rottl.ex Spreng. Studies on the Isolation, Culture of Protoplast and Plant Regeration inLuotiantianshi Persimmon Studies on the Isolation, Culture of Protoplast and Plant Regeration inLuotiantianshi Persimmon Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Corn(Zea mays L.) Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts Derived from Suspension Cultures in Leymus racemosus Isolation,Culture and Plant Regeneration of Protoplasts from an Embryogenic Callus Tissue of Gossypium hirsutum Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Medicago lupulina Establishment of Somaclones and Their Chromosomal Variation in Allooctoploid Triticum- Agropyron Hybrids Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Talinum paniculatum Study on the factors of wheat mature embryos culture and plant regeneration FERTILE PLANT REGENERATION FROM TISSUE CULTURE IN ALLIUM MONGOLICUM REGEL THE INDUCTION OF CALLUS AND PLANTLET REGENERATION FROM THE LEAF OF WHEAT ( TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) TISSUE AND MONOCELL CULTURE AND IN VITRO FLOWERING AND FRUITING OF TALINUM PANICULATUM TISSUE CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION IN ARTEMISIA SPHAEROCEPHALA KRASCH CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERAION OF PROTOPLASTS FROM HYPOCOTYL CALLI OF SAINFOIN(Onobrychis viciae folia Scop.)CULTIVAR ESKI Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Rosa wichuraiana ‘Basye’s thornless’ Establishment and Optimization of High-frequency Shoot Regeneration System of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara, An Important Medicinal Plant The Establishment of Clone System of Platanus acerifolia(Ait.)Willd Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Ramie Plant Regeneration from Cell and Protoplast Cultures of Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa Hybrid Culture of Cotyledon and Hypocotyl Protoplasts from True Potato Seedlings in Solanum tuberosum L. High Frequency Callus Formation and Plant Regeneration from Leaf Protoplasts of Pepino (Solanum muricatum L.) Plant Regeneration from Protoplast of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Coriandrum sativum Callus Formation from Protoplasts and Plant Regeneration from Tissue Culture of Silybum marianum Gaertn Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Suspension Cells of Saposhnilkovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk Histological Study on Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Young Inflorescences of Setarta ilalica Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration in Caladium Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Sophora alopecuroides Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Limonium aureum Effects of Photoperiods on in vitro Plantlet Regeneration of Paulownia Plants Leaves Callus Induction and Plantlets Regeneration of Tillered-onion from the Shoot-tip Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules ofMusa spp. Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules ofMusa spp. Embryogenic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Zoysia japonica
A High Efficient Plant Regeneration System from Callus of Pteridium apuilinum SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND PLANT REGENERATION IN Gossypium hirsutum L.cv.ZHONGMIAN 12 Microspore Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Brassica Plants The callus induction and plant regeneration of wheat mature embryos under osmotic stress Establishment of a high efficient regeneration system in vitro and transformation mediated by Agrobacterium rhizogenes in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) Establishment of a high efficient regeneration system from internode segments of seedling in Astragalus meliloides Pall. The advances of biotechnique research in Lycium barbarum Selection for salt tolerance in tissueculture of sainfoin and recovery ofplants from NaCl tolerant callus Study on the callus induction and plantlet regeneration from the bulbil of Dioscorea opposita CRYOPRESERVATION AND FORMATION OF REGENERATIVE PLANTLETS OF CALLUS FROM WILD RICE TISSUE AND PROTOPLAST CULTURE AND TRANSFORMATION OF MEDICAGO HISPIDA REGENERATION OF PLANTLETS IN VITRO CULTURED UNFERTILIZED OVULES OF SUNFLOWER (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS. L. ) A SIMPLE METHOD FOR RAPID PLANT REGENERATION FROM TOBACCO MESOPHYLL PROTOPLASTS Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Culture of Elaeocarpus sylvestris(Lour.)Poir. Studies on Plant Regeneration of Cleome spinosa Jacq. in Vitro Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant Efecting Factors of Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Vetiver

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