Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Rosa hybrida ‘Samantha’ The Induction of Multiple Buds and Soma tic Embryogenesis of Musa AAB Silk ‘Guoshanxiang’ Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Anthurium andraeanum HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE HYPOCOTYL OF CABBAGE IN TISSUE CULTURES Study on the Germination and Plant Regeneration of Lolium perenne Optimization and Performance Evaluation of the Regeneration System of the Baodi Garlic PLANT REGENERATION FROM PROTOPLASTS OF HAPLOID INDUCED BY IRRADIATION IN APPLE PLANT REGENERATION FROM CALLUS OF in vitro APPLE LEAVES In vitro Culture and Shoot Regeneration from Leaves and Petioles of Broussonetia papyrifera In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) QTL Mapping for Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Maize Immature Embryos CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION OF ACTINIDIA DELICIOSA PROTOPLASTS ISOLATED FROM COTYLEDON CALLUS Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration from Immature Inflorescence Explants of Chenopodium glaucum L. The High-frequency Induction of Adventitious Shoots and Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Phalaenopsis with Added Thidiazuron Establishment of Plant Regeneration System from Hairy Roots of Aconitum coreanum Meristematic Nodule: a Valuable Developmental Pathway for Plant Regeneration High Frequency Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Elite Cotton Variety CCRI 19 Acacia melanoxylon Callus Induction and Shoot Regeneration System Preliminary Study on Shoots Regeneration from Tender Stems of\n Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehd. and Germplasm Reservation in vitro Study on Plant Regeneration from Midnight Ⅱ Comparison of Culture Procedures for Regeneration of Plants from Protoplast-der ived Calluses of Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Rhodiola henryi Tissue cultivation of tiller buds of Epimedium wushanense Studies on high efficient plant regeneration system from anther callus of Bupleurum chinense Protoplast culture and plant regeneration of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Sweet Potato Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Immature Cotyledons of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Selection of Ethionine-resistant Variant in the Forage Legume Astragalus adsu rgens Pall. Factors Influencing the Regeneration Frequency of Mature Embryo-derived Callus in Hsien Rice Cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Bambusa multiplex Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Actinidia chinensis Planch. Study on Tissue Cultures of Legume Plants Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Angelica dahurica Establishment of a high frequency regeneration system for the succulent xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum A study on callus induction and redifferentiation of clover Short-medium Term Preservation of Rice Suspension Cells Tissue culture and plant regeneration using mature seeds of two sudangrass strains EFFECTS OF ANTIBIOTICS ON PLANT REGENERATION in vitro ON CHINESE CHIVE ( Allium tuberosum Rottle) Effect of Cytokinins on Callus Growth and Antioxidant System in Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. Isolated Microspore Culture and Ploidy Variation of Regenerated Plants in Ornamental Kale Efficient Induction of Callus and Plant Regeneration From Paeonia suffruticosa Andr PLANT REGENERATION OF GYNURA AURANTIACA DC. VIA TISSUE CULTURE HISTOLOGICAL STUDY ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF PANICUM MILIACEUM IN VITRO STUDIES ON THE TISSUE CULTURE OF PHYSALIS PERUVIAM L. STUDY OF ORGANOGENESIS ON WHEAT CALLUS OF PLANT EXTRACT CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM LEAVES AND STEM SEGMENTS OF IN VITRO SHOOTS OF ACTINIDIA ARGUTA Induction of callus and plant regeneration of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. STUDIES ON EMBRYOGENIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION IN LOBLOLLY PINE PLANTS REGENERATED FROM PROTOPLASTS OF POPULUS SIMONII AND VARIATIONS IN ITS ISOENZYME Shoot Regeneration from Leaves of ‘Fuyu’and ‘J iro’Persimmon Shoot Regeneration from Leaves of ‘Fuyu’and ‘J iro’Persimmon Plant Regeneration from Protoplast Culture of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang Establishment of Plantlet Regeneration System from Leaves Explants for Callistephus chinensis‘Bouquet Scarlet’ Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant Callus induction and plant regeneration of Liriope spicatavar. prolifera anther Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Ixeridium sonchifolium Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Ardisia crenata Tissue culture in vitro and plant regeneration of Viola prionantha Development of a plant regeneration system via tissue culture in Puccinellia tenuiflora Culture and plant regeneration of protoplasts from embryogenic calli of Nuglade (Poa pratensis) Tissue culture and plant regeneration in Begonia fimbristipula CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION IN Haloxylon ammodendron FACTORS INFLUENCING MATURE EMBRYO REGENERATION OF Zoysia sinica HANCE SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES OF Paulownia PLANTS Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Rose Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Scabiosa tschiliensis In Vitro Culture of Pumpkin Unfertilized Ovules and Plant Regeneration Tissue Culture of the Succulent Plant Sedum clavatum EFFECTS OF MIXED HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE FIELD ON EMBRYONIC LEAFLET CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION OF PEANUT EMBRYONIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Lilium longiflorum INDUCTION, HIGH FREQUENCY REGENERATION AND ULTRASTRUCTURE OF EMBRYOGENIC CALLUS FROM ORNAMENTAL PINEAPPLE POLYPLOID INDUCED OF Pinellia ternata BASED ON SUSPENDED CELL CULTURE: Ⅱ. INDUCTION OF POLYPLOID CELL BASED ON SINGLE-CELLED LEVEL VIA COLO AND REGENERATION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT AUXINS AND COMBINING APPLICATION WITH ABA ON REGENERATION OF IMMATURE EMBRYOS OF WHEAT Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Culture of Elaeocarpus sylvestris(Lour.)Poir. Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Kale via Isolated Microspore Culture Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Kale via Isolated Microspore Culture Primary Studies on the Isolated Microspore Culture in Radish ( Raphanus sativus L.)

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